Lirik lagu Souvenir Lasso


Dicen que cuando menos lo esperasAlguien te cambia la vida enteraAños buscando y ahora que llegasPasa que no te quedasYo lo juré, solo un beso una vez¿Y ahora qué voy a hacer?Cuando tú ya no estésSé que pensaste a corto plazo (Oh oh oh)Y que tu viaje ya l.. Read »

Lirik lagu Slime You Out (feat. Sza) Drake


I don′t knowI don't know what′s wrong with you girlsI feel like y'all don't need loveYou need somebody who could micromanage youYou know what I′m sayin′? Tell you right from wrongWho's smart from who′s the foolWhich utensil to use for which food, likeI go.. Read »

Lirik lagu Ste Ska La Matatena

La Matatena

Esto que está pasando si lo estoy necesitandoEsto que está pasando lo estoy necesitandoY lo que quiero tener es la alegría de verDe que muevan los pies y bailar, bailar, bailarPues es que hoy quisiera que estemos tendidosHoy quisiera bailar sin ningun cas.. Read »

Lirik lagu Slide Hazel English

Hazel English

Could you whisper in my ear the things you wanna feel?I′d give you anything to feel it comingDo you wake up on your own and wonder where you are?You live with all your faultsI wanna wake up where you areI won't say anything at allSo why don′t you slide?Ye.. Read »

Lirik lagu Seu Polícia Zé Neto

Zé Neto

Seu políciaÉ que eu separei recentementeDe paixão eu tô doenteSerá que o senhor me entendeOs vizinhos tão reclamandoDo volume do meu somMas enquanto ela não voltarEu vou continuarMe afogando no álcoolO som do carro no taloManda a multa que eu vou pagarMas.. Read »

Lirik lagu Samo Za Men Emil Trf

Emil Trf

Ако някога си мисля за товаТрябва ти да дойдеш, но самаНо всичко тук за тебе е играПиши ми, ′щот не ми се занима'аАз съм си добре (аз съм си добре)Но никога ня′я да съм до теб (не-не)И всеки ден (всеки ден) усещам как съм променен (yea-yea)Ново Ferrari ис.. Read »

Lirik lagu Skrrr! Slimn Major

Slimn Major

Nigga tap thatYou snap at me, i′ma snap backBlack bentley just to match thatWe ain't never taking back tracksNever backtrackWanna put my wrist in an audermarSo we doing nine to five man we keep it hardYou could see the bank always getting largeIt′s gang g.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sweet Lies Wilkinson


SoftlyHere upon my pillowWhen no words are spokenAnd you′re here with me aloneYour kissIgnorance is my blissWhen promises are emptyWhen they're all I have to holdSo tell me those sweet liesI′m not giving up your loveAs long as they're sweet liesI wanna ho.. Read »