from your junkie drawer (?)you fell onto the flooruh then got up up for moreI remember the nightuh you blew awayyou just couldn't waityou were weakened with loveand you were closin' the gatefrom your fair we dem (???)your eyes were rough againI thought I .. Read »
Lirik lagu Cheeky Song The Cheeky Girls
Cheeky GirlsOhh boys cheeky girlsOhh girls cheeky boysOhh boys cheeky girlsOhh girls cheeky boysOhh boys cheeky girlsOhh girls cheeky boysOhh boys cheeky girlsOhh girls cheeky boysI never ever ask where do you goI never ever ask what do you doI never ever.. Read »
Lirik lagu Coming Up You The Cars
how could they leave you standingholding on to the airnever a hope of landingdidn't they know you caredyou're finding outit's never quite like it seemsyou're finding outit's never quite like it dreamsdidn't you get connectedwhen things were still upside d.. Read »
Lirik lagu Calm Him Down The Cavedogs
From a sordid hobby, to a dying artIt used to calm him downNow he can't keep countAnother one that's wasted - could've been your sonShe used to come aroundNow it's all but drowned outBy the stale glow from the night stand"Sing for the camera" till you can.. Read »
Lirik lagu Cheetah Sisters The Cheeath Girls
Cause we are sisters we stand together we make up one big family though we don't look the same. our spots different.Different colours we make each other stronger that ain't never gonna change!!!!!!!!.. Read »
Lirik lagu Candy-o The Cars
Candy-O, I need youSunday dress, ruby ringCandy-O, I need you socould you help me in?purple hum, assorted cardsrazor lights you'll bringand all to prove you're on the moveand vanishingCandy-O, I need you soCandy-O, I need you soedge of night, distract you.. Read »
Lirik lagu Could It Be Any Harder The Calling
Fade away, fade away, fade away uh huhYou left me with goodbye and open armsA cut so deep I don't deserveYou were always invincible in my eyesThe only thing against us now is timeChorusCould it be any harderTo say goodbye and without youCould it be any ha.. Read »
Lirik lagu California Girls The Beach Boys
Brian WilsonWell East coast girls are hipI really dig those styles they wearAnd the Southern girls with the way they talkThey knock me out when I'm down thereThe Mid-West farmer's daughters really make you feel alrightAnd the Northern girls with the way t.. Read »
Lirik lagu Chasing The Sun The Calling
The skies her blue eyesbegin to openthe storm is upon mei'm chasing the sunand she's got me down on my kneestrying to crawlthrough all of the winterthrough all of the fall, yeahshe's like a sweet summera sweet summer dayand I can't let herI can't let her .. Read »
Lirik lagu California Dreamin' The Beach Boys
all the leaves are brownand the sky is greyive been for a walkon a winters dayi can save the warmthif i was in l.a.california dreaminon such a winters daystopped into the churchi passed along the waywhen i got down on my kneesand i pretend to prayyou know.. Read »