Lirik lagu A Spade Ani Difranco

Ani Difranco

I will not lie downOn the wrongful ground or playWhile it's still a radical soundJust to call a spade a spadeDear friends, women and menPlease check my math once moreIn the totality of all war's historyThere's but one common denominatorThe answer is in th.. Read »

Lirik lagu Aggresive Trance Garasi


Apakah yang harus kulakukanHanya kau yang terlihat di dalam keramaianKau lihat mataku di kejauhanKau yang menyadarkan diriku dari kegelapanAku telah tertarik kepadamuDan kini ku tak bisa lagi lari darimuPikiranku menuntun ke matamuTaukah kamu aku ingin ka.. Read »

Lirik lagu Angels Cry Angra


Angels CryCry in the night of the angelFor their light will never shineWith their hearts so full of sorrowMuddy waters all aroundThe curtain falls for helpless soulsHow they suffer swept asideAnd the raging streams are flowingwith so little hope inside(Is.. Read »

Lirik lagu Angels And Demons Angra


Dreams - sensations you proveAre taken from natureYou find those emotions are true in your mindFight against the kingdom of fearSooner or later they'll try to convince you are wrongBut I'm sure..We're justCrawling Angels and Demons disguisedThe truth you .. Read »

Lirik lagu Acid Rain Angra


When the world had a tragic fateWe were draining the poisoned seaThough the scenes were indeed too sadOnly prayers were taking leadOh! Just some of us survivedAt least a discent woman and a manWide awake! Am I alone in this placeSomeone hear me ? my only .. Read »

Lirik lagu Anne Marie Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat

I've got a hot white burning insideThat time only feeds my mindsOnly need I add you fuelTo my fire my flames burn higher and higherShaking, Shaking, ShakingI feel my body achingInto the whole down deep in my soulI shrink into my fakingThe day grows nearer.. Read »

Lirik lagu Aku Frezia


Bukan maksudku menjadikanmuSebagai pengganti dirinya..Bukan inginku menjadikanmuSebagai pendamping hidupku..Reff;Aku..takkan mungkin mencintaimuMeskipun sejenakDan kau..takkan mampu memilikikuMeskipun sesaatBukan maksudku menjadikanmuSebagai pengganti dir.. Read »

Lirik lagu Aadd (antara Aku Dan Dia) Frezia


Aku tak mengerti apa maksudmuKau palingkan dirimu jauh darikuKu terdiam membisu, terpaku disiniKetika kau ungkapkan semua padakuReff;Mengapa tak kau katakan,Jika memang kau mencintainya...Apa pun yang kau lakukan, aku tak kan menahan.. Read »

Lirik lagu Animal House Angie Martinez

Angie Martinez

[Angie]Welcome to Animal House The animals are in the buildingIt's a new dayAngela... Better known as(Angie)(We are animals... Animal House... wut we are... animals)(Angie)Uh yeah uh yeah uh uh uh yeah uh uh [echo]All I could do is give you me if you choo.. Read »