So little to say but so much time,Begitu sedikit yang ingin aku ucapkan tapi begitu banyak waktu yang tersisaDespite my empty mouth the words are in my mind.Meski mulutku kosong, kata-kata itu ada dalam pikirankuPlease wear the face, the one where you smi.. Read »
First Love
So little to say but so much time,Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind.Please wear the face, the one where you smile,Because you lighten up my heart when I start to cry.Forgive me first love, but I'm tired.I need to get away to feel again.Try t.. Read »
Fui Tan Feliz
Ha bastado solo un dia para amarteUnos besos y ya siento adorarteNecesito tenerte otra vez a mi ladoBesarte los labios como aquella vezCuando el amor se fue metiendo muyDiscreto entre tu y yoVolava el tiempo y desgarrabas Mi corazonSabia amor, que te ibas.. Read »
Four Years Old
Hey Why'd you wake me from my nap? I'm not in the mood To play your games Or sit on your lap You Where's my Yankees drinking glass? I want some juice And I want it now So you better move your ass And feel bad for me 'Cuz I'm just getting over a cold I'm f.. Read »
Food Innuendo Guy
Ooooh yeah Baby, baby, baby, I wanna stew your tomato Baby, baby, baby, I want to french fry your potato Baby, baby, baby, won't you pluck my grapes Won't you peel my banana like a pack of wild apes? I'm your food innuendo guy, your food innuendo guy Baby.. Read »
Fatty Mcgee
Talking quietly] M1: "Ms. Murphy is such a pain, man." M2: "We just had a test a week ago. Now we gotta take another one tommorrow. This sucks!" M1: "And it counts for 80 percent of our grade." M2: "Well we better study our butts off." M1: "Well we came t.. Read »
Fitnah Dusta
Sayang... jangan dikeruhkan suasanaYang dilanda kekalutanSayang... andai berterusan kan musnahImpian bertaburanHanya kerna fitnahHanya kerna dustaKita bersengketa... tiada hentinyaMengapa dunia begitu cemburuMelihat diriku bahagia di sampingmuLautan api '.. Read »
For Your Entertainment
So hotOut the boxCan we pick up the pace?Turn it up,Heat it upI need to be entertainedPush the limitAre you with it?Baby, don't be afraidI'ma hurt 'ya real good, babyLet's goIt's my showBaby, do what I sayDon't trip off the glitzThat I'm gonna displayI to.. Read »