Lirik lagu Psychos Falco


Sie hassen SoftiesHassen süße BrüderBrauchen keine LeaderSind sich selber das Liedden D.I.N.K.S. ein Rätselden G.R.U.M.P.I.E.S. too hipden P.O.S.T.I.E.S. too trendyden M.I.L.K.I.E.S. too sickSind die neue Klasse AnarchieHaben ihren PlaneExponieren sich ni.. Read »

Lirik lagu Please Please Please Fiona Apple

Fiona Apple

Please please pleaseNo more melodiesThey lack impact, they're pettyThey've been made up alreadyPlease please pleaseNo more maladiesI'm so tired of cryingYou'd think I was a sirenBut me and everybody's on the sad same teamAnd you can hear our sad brain scr.. Read »

Lirik lagu Parting Gift Fiona Apple

Fiona Apple

I opened my eyesWhile you were kissing me once more than onceAnd you looked as sincere as a dogJust as sincere as a dog does,When it's the food on your lips with which it's in loveI bet you could never tellThat I knew you didn't know me that wellIt is my .. Read »

Lirik lagu Paper Bag Fiona Apple

Fiona Apple

I was staring at the sky, just looking for a starTo pray on, or wish on, or something like thatI was having a sweet fix of a daydream of a boyWhose reality I knew, was a hopeless to be hadBut then the dove of hope began its downward slopeAnd I believed fo.. Read »

Lirik lagu Ps I Love You Faron Young

Faron Young

Dear I've thought I've drop a line the weather's cool the folks're fineI'm in bed each night at nine PS I love youYesterday we had some rain but all in all I can't complainWas it dusty on the train PS I love youWrite to the Brown's just as soon as you're .. Read »

Lirik lagu Perdiendo Ganando Erre Way

Erre Way

Hay que animarse a sentirno hay que dejar los suenosaunque nos cueste seguirperdiendo y ganadoHay que astillarse en la pielque quede en carne vivaperdiendo, ganandoQuieres que bese la heridaen ella quedara prendidaperdiendo ganadohay que vivir sonandoH.. Read »

Lirik lagu Paper Airplanes Fly


so few hearts can hear my thoughtsconvincing god it's what i wantwill it be enough?going through it, seems to be,a tragedy of vicious screamsthat circle me, are these memories?folded like paper airplanes,in a hurricanethe way i think don't ever thinkto be.. Read »

Lirik lagu Pen And Paper Faron Young

Faron Young

(Pen and paper won't you tell me what to write)Pen and paper won't you tell me what to writeI don't know I can't think and I'd been here half a nightI don't want to hurt her but I love somebody newPen and paper help me tell her we're throughShall I say de.. Read »

Lirik lagu Payback Flaw


There's another reflection involved up in my mind A wholeness that has just been lost Striving hard for perfection but still nothing to find Some value with a cheaper cost And as I reach out to hear you the sound is so muffled It makes a lesser man of me .. Read »

Lirik lagu Project Mayhem Finch


She shouts, "The most incessant, the most deplete"She said, "Show me conscience with nothing to eat"She said, "Null the worm"Let's sober upCaught in time with the fizz of the burnAnd so we burnCan you begin at the ending,So that I may begin again?I took t.. Read »