murdered in munichcrucified in romewas killing timeon the long road homelet nothing bleed into nothingand did nothinglet nothing bleed into nothingand did nothing at allwithered in winterwished away the nightwas out of mindwhile out of sightlet nothing bl.. Read »
Lirik lagu Puisi Alam Fourtwnty
Rebahkan lelah tubuhDi tempat tinggi tak berpenghuniLupakan sejenak masalah duniamuLembut sang awan 'kan menyambutmuBermimpi ku beradaDi tempat indah yang tak terjamahHanya ada aku dan teman-temankuMimpi-mimpi tak seperti mimpiBahagia, bahagiaku cukup sed.. Read »
Lirik lagu Perfect Flyleaf
Sick of circling the same roadSick of bearing the guiltSo open the windows to cool offAnd heat pours in insteadPerfect in weaknessI'm only perfect in just your strength aloneAll my efforts to clean meLeave me putrid and filthyAnd how can you look at meWhe.. Read »
Lirik lagu Paskutinis Traukinys Foje
Ar tu dar gali kenteti tas blogas mintisAr tu dar gali matyt akis visai tusciasAr tau malonu girdet zodziu bukai piktusAr dar tave ikvepia salti zmoniu veidaiKokia nuostabi diena ir koks svarus dangusKokia nenusakoma geru akiu sviesaIr tie kurie apsidziau.. Read »
Lirik lagu Piru-te Deja Erre Way
Te mojo la ramerala seco en mi calorperdemos la cabezay este juego es tentadormordiste la carnadapero no me alcanzoporque no te importabajugar con mi corazony otra ves me despeinotu forma de serme vaciaste el cargadory te reiasy otra ves se me arrugomi.. Read »
Lirik lagu Push! Push! Falco
Come take a ride. or slip'n'slide. to sit astride'n'glide'n'...Push. Push. Please pull the strings. Bees use their strings. Birds spread their wings and. some things. Push Push. A puss that purrs. by settin' spurs. is this his or hers what stirs? Now: P.. Read »
Lirik lagu Paskutini Diena Foje
Zuvys giliai kaip ir pauksciai aukstaiTai tik amzinai neatsiejami broliaiMano namai begaliniai laukaiVisada salia nepasiekiami toliaiJuros dugne sudauzytam laiveMiega niekam jau nepriklausantys grobiaiMano turtai ten kur pauksciu takaiNiekam niekada nepas.. Read »
Lirik lagu Pearl Folk Implosion
Pearl, listen to me nowI'm about to bring it downThere are things I need to tell you that can't waitI've been doubting in my sleepThere are secrets I keepMaybe in the end I'll find a way to stayOh but pearl it don't feel that way todayWell it wasn't long .. Read »
Lirik lagu Propaganda Eve 6
I passed by some familiarfaces,But they flipped me off &cursed my name,I watched the hippies raisetheir signsand I saved my tears foranother timeI just wish that they couldunderstandthat I had no choice whetheror notto put a gun in my handI just wish that.. Read »
Lirik lagu Pienso En Ti Erre Way
Ayer tuve un sueno que se trataba deMi ,me besaba con un chavo que nisiquiera Conoci, el me beso y me adoro sin temor A nada, quiso dios este amor…solo dios…ohhhss…yey!Yo solo pienso en ti, en ti y en nada mas solo en ti por que tu eres mi feelic.. Read »