Leaving my family behind meNot knowing what lay aheadWaving goodbye, as I left them in tearsRemembering all we'd saidI looked to the sky, I offered my prayersI asked Him for guidance and strengthBut the simple beliefs of a simple manLay in His hands, and .. Read »
Lirik lagu Desafinado (portuguese) George Michael
Se você disser que eu desafino amorSaiba que isto em mim provoca imensa dorSó previlegiados têm ouvido igual ao seuEu possuo apenas o que Deus me deuSe você insiste em classificarComo o meu comportamento de anti-musicalNo lhes vou mentir, até vou comentar.. Read »
Lirik lagu Deadwood Garbage
Deadwood if you care to listenLooks the same but there's something missingIt wears me outStripped bare I'm the same old savageI always claimed did we ever manageIt's not enoughLook me in the eyeI'm about to diveCan you live your lifeWithout meI don't need.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dry Run Ghoti Hook
Chicken legs and scrambled eggsPotato chips in onion dipAre things I eat for breakfast everydayHoney ham and soggy spamJimmy dean with refried beansHelp me to get started on my wayBoys and girls, you better be cautious And you know my face is turning gree.. Read »
Lirik lagu Desafinado (english) George Michael
If you say my singing is off key, my loveYou would hurt my feelings, don't you see, my love ?I wish I had an ear like yours,A voice that would behaveAll I have is feelingAnd the voice God gaveYou insist my music goes against the rulesYes, but rules were n.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dreaming While You Sleep Genesis
In and out of darkness, in and out of sleepTrying to keep my hands upon the wheelNever saw the corner in the driving rainI never saw her step into the streetDreaming while you sleepDreaming while you sleepMemories to keepDreaming while you sleepI can neve.. Read »
Lirik lagu Don't Hate Me Get Up Kids
Forgive me for running off to find the one things I have to doeach night you can fall asleep assured that somedayI'll be comeing home to youthese constant reminders in everything I seethe chance of a lifetime...what a great place to beoh Amydon't hate me .. Read »
Lirik lagu Don't Get Any Better Geri Halliwell
Take a road where imperfection'sNever where you feel the pinch around the middleMakes you lose the beatAnd then you're stepping out of timeUnderneath my clothes there lies a riddleFix my tits, my ass or live a littleGot me thinking twiceA girl's allowed t.. Read »
Lirik lagu Domino--the Last Domino Genesis
In silence and darknessWe held each other near that nightWe prayed it would last foreverBlood on the windowsMillions of ordinary people are thereThey gaze at the sceneryThey act as if it is perfectly clearTake a look at the mountainsTake a look at the bea.. Read »
Lirik lagu Don't Call Me Baby Geri Halliwell
Do you think about me, like I think about you, as these nights grow colder,do you think about us or the love that was lost looking back as we growolder.Would you cry if I die, either way nothing changes, and just remember.Don't call me baby, baby just bec.. Read »