It's been close to a year since we spoke lastYou haven't changedAnd now you're talking into my right earWhat happened when you ran offWith that friend of yoursOr was she useful?Tossing around bah ra koontzaeVroom vroom then be silent... I sit around bah r.. Read »
Lirik lagu Takut Kehilangan Hamindalid
Aku temukan satu yang terindahsaat kulihat kau tidur dalam pelukankusaat aku berharap jangan lepaskanhingga kuhabiskan waktuku untukmuSetiap tetes air matamu yang mengalir iringi sentuhan jemarikusaat itu kau coba tinggalkan akudan aku menangis dalam pelu.. Read »
Lirik lagu The Fear Apartment 26
She lays naked and stretched outLike I could only help her when she's moistWaiting on the floorShe could have been just about anythingBut she thought that 'cause it didn't workTo leave herself in her own private worldAnd in this world, she is beautifulAnd.. Read »
Lirik lagu Turncoat Anti-flag
TURNCOAT! KILLER! LIAR! THEIF!Criminal with protection of the law!Go!States lies dressed up as evening newsWe're tired of lies we want the truthBrodcast by corpses courting youWe're tired of lies we want the truthMost people they will never knowWe're tire.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tantangan Harry Mukti
Kerasnya kehidupanDalam meraih citaTantangan dan rintanganSilih bergantiHarus aku laluiWalau ke gunung tinggiTak kan pernah berhentiSampai kuraih.. Read »
Lirik lagu This Machine Kills Fascists Anti-flag
we've run out of patience, you've run out of timethis scene will not fall victim to your violence or liesyour "values" are nothing but excuses to start fightsquit fronting like you're standing for a moral cause tonightunited as onewe won't stand asideyou .. Read »
Lirik lagu This Is The End (for You My Friend) Anti-flag
Seems every station on the TVis selling something no one can beIf every page was torn from the magazinewould cash still drive the media machine?The products, damage and pursuit are endlessidentity can leave you selflessWe will not witness this anymoreThis.. Read »
Lirik lagu This Is Not A Crass Song Anti-flag
You're walking down the street in the middle of the day The sun is shinning brightly everything is quite ok But then you hear this song, it makes you stop and yell out, "HEY!" You might think that it is...BUT THIS IS NOT A CRASS SONG !You might think that.. Read »
Lirik lagu They Don't Protect You Anti-flag
the rich control the world's economic state creating poverty for their own sake poverty breeds crime, that threatens you so you support the police in what ever they do you give up your rights don't you know the truth? it makes no difference they.. don't p.. Read »
Lirik lagu Their System Doesn´t Work For You Anti-flag
One day while sitting in my roomyou came in preachingyour words predieting doomYou've never once beenhappy with me,because I notwhat you want me to be...No!You tried to teach meto pray and go to schoolYou tried to teach meto be the system's toolBut you mi.. Read »