Lirik lagu And You Tell Me Sugar


Another person in my skinClaw and scratch me from withinI hear a voice inside the dinAnd you tell meIn my delusions I deviseA different face with different eyesThe revolutions start insideAnd you tell meI might be crazy over you / and you tell meNo excuse.. Read »

Lirik lagu Arche Subway To Sally

Subway To Sally

Mit Gewalt sind wir an Bord gegangenhaben den alten Mann gleich aufgehangenseine drei Söhne warfen wir ins Meerund fielen über ihre Frauen herschon nach 40 Tagen warenwir am Grund von jedem FassAngst und Hunger schlechte Träumeschlugen um in blanken Hassm.. Read »

Lirik lagu As The Years Go Passing By Sting


Ah, the blues.The ball and chain that is 'round every English musician's leg.In fact, EVERY musician's leg.Tryin' to kick it off, baby?No, no.You'll just never do it.And these are the blues of time,And the blues of a woman,And a man thinkin' of herAs time.. Read »

Lirik lagu Anomalistic Offerings Suffocation


Evil dwells within the inner sanctum of the mind. Each person has apiece of the puzzle locked inside. It only takes the right key toopen the subconscious. Once inside, it feeds like a leech suckingthe blood of an organism.Until the whole body is infected .. Read »

Lirik lagu Accingite Vos Subway To Sally

Subway To Sally

Tradidit in mortem animam suamet inter sceleratos reputatus est.Accingite vosübertragung:sacerdotes, et plangiteministri altarisaspergite vos cinere.Er hat seine Seele dem Tod ausgeliefertund wurde zu den Ruchlosen gezählt.Bereitet euch vorihr Opferpriest.. Read »

Lirik lagu April 29th, 1992 (miami) Sublime


(po-po)I-I don't know if you can, but can you get an ownerfor 'ons'? Thats, o-n-s Junior Market. The address is 1934 East Aniheimall the windows are busted out and it's like a free-for-all, and,ahthe owner should meet and come down here and see if he can .. Read »

Lirik lagu A Little Bit Of Heaven Sugar Jones

Sugar Jones

I wait until the morning comes I look outside and then I run Down to the place, where I might find you Lots of people walk on by The moments fade and still no sign Just when I think of letting go You come into my view Baby do you realize That everything y.. Read »