Lirik lagu Land Of Tears Barathrum


great eye like a vision in the skyfolk dies and grieves and revilesreviles each other for more griefgrief for each other in the land of tearsrains of tears from the vision eyevision eye in the weirdest skyfolk of land of tears diesland of tears, fears, so.. Read »

Lirik lagu Le Mal De Vivre Barbara


ça ne prévient pas quand ça arriveça vient de loinça c'est promené de rive en riveLa gueule en coinEt puis un matin, au réveilC'est presque rienMais c'est là, ça vous ensommeilleAu creux des reinsLe mal de vivreLe mal de vivreQu'il faut bien vivreVaille q.. Read »

Lirik lagu Losing Generation Bad Religion

Bad Religion

the systems of life hum accordinglyevery day, every year, every centurybut, everywhere humans go things get worsecan't you tell through the smoke in the dirty citythe jungle was once a tranquil hideawayfor the kind of trees and the mountains themselvesbut.. Read »

Lirik lagu Lose As Directed Bad Religion

Bad Religion

little girl's arms open wide, two ways to go but you can't decidefollows all rules, has no sayends up in somebody elses playclose your eyes cuz you just dont need them anywaylose as directed dont take no chancedont end your life upon circumstancemystery a.. Read »

Lirik lagu Lookin' In Bad Religion

Bad Religion

suddenly, it came to mea potent dosage of realityi saw myself in the broad daylightand it made me thinkabout lifeim not the kinda guywho nods his headwith closed eyesi scoff at labelsi defy censusesand despise group mentalityall along i throughthat this w.. Read »