Lirik Lagu Watermelons And Cheese Sesame Street

Monty: Answering The Telephone
Is Not So Hard To Do
Once You Know The Secret
Which I Shall Show To You
What You Say - That's The Key!
And It's Easy As It Can Be
You Can Say...


Bert: Hello? No, This Isn't Ernie's Ducky!


Monty: Or, Perhaps...

Cookie Monster: Hello? You Got Cookie For Me Please?


Monty: Or...

Count: Hello, You Are Caller Number One.

Monty: But Don't Say...(picks Up Phone)
Watermelons And Cheese!

Chorus: (dancing In) No, You Don't Say -

Monty: Watermelons And -

Chorus: You Don't Say -

Monty: Watermelons And -

Chorus: You Never Say -

Monty: Watermelons And Cheese!

Chorus: Puh-lease Try A-gain!

Monty: This Should Be A Breeze...


(answers) Watermelons And Cheese!
Oh, Sorry!

Chorus: You Could Have Said -


Bert: (with Pigeon) Hello? Bernice, It's For You.


Chorus: A Classic!

Cookie Monster: Hi, Me Can't Talk Now - Eating Cookies!


Chorus: Or...

Count: Hello, You Are Caller Number Two - 'a, 'a, 'a!


Chorus: You Can Do It!

Monty: (answering) Watermelons And Cheese!

Chorus: No, You Don't Say -

Monty: Watermelons And -

Chorus: You Don't Say -

Monty: Watermelons And -

Chorus: You Never Say -

Monty: Watermelons And Cheese!

Chorus: Puh-lease Try A-gain!

Monty: This Should Be A Breeze...


(answers) Watermelons And Cheese!

Chorus: NO!!!

Monty: Right! Jolly Good! Not A Problem! I Think I've Got It Now.
You Don't Say, You Never Never Say -


Watermelon: (answering) Watermelon And Cheese!

Monty: Unless You're A Watermelon...

Watermelon: It's For You! (hands Phone To A Giant Swiss Cheese)

Monty: Or A Cheese!

Watermelon: Ha Ha Ha!

Cheese: Gouda You To Call ...

  Sesame Street   Writed by Admin  23x     2024-12-23 12:44:19

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