Lirik Lagu The Zizzy Zoomers Sesame Street

Zizzy Zoomer #1: What's The Letter After "Y"?

Zizzy Zoomers #2 And 3: "Z"!

Zizzy Zoomer #1: What's The Last Letter Of The Alphabet?

Zizzy Zoomers #2 And 3: "Z"!

Zizzy Zoomer #1: You Want To Sing A "Z" Song?

Zizzy Zoomers #2 And 3: Yeah!

(music Starts)

Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!

Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!

Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap!


Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!

Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!

Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!

Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap!

All: Zippy! Zippy! Zing! Zing!
Zebra, Zoo
But What Else Can A Dizzy Kind Of
"Zigzag" Letter Do?


Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!

Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!

Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap! Zap!

Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom!

Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zang!

All: ZONK!

  Sesame Street   Writed by Admin  19x     2024-12-23 12:44:25

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