Lirik Lagu Intropeksi Slank
Wo... O... O... O... O... O...
Dunia Butuh
Rehat Sejenak
Sementara Ini
Sementara Ini
Kita Terlalu
Sering Memaksa
Kerakusan Hati
Kerakusan Hati
Diamlah Dulu
Diam-diam Di Rumah Saja
Coba Introspeksi
Nanti Pasti
Baik Lagi
Baik Lagi
Baik Lagi
Baik Lagi
Dunia Sedang
Merasa Sakit
Beban Eksploitasi
Beban Eksploitasi
Berilah Nafas
Sembuhkan Diri
Jangan Kau Halangi
Jangan Dihalangi
Sunyilah Dulu
Dan Minta Maaflah Ke Bumi
Coba Introspeksi
Yakin Akan
Sehat Lagi
Sehat Lagi
Sehat Lagi
Sehat Lagi
Diamlah Dulu
Diam-diamlah Saja Di Rumah
Coba Introspeksi
Nanti Akan
Baik Lagi
Baik Lagi
Sehat Lagi
Sehat Lagi
Wo.. O.. O.. O... O... O...
The World Needs
A Moment's Break
In The Meantime
In The Meantime
We Push
Too Often
Greedy Heart
Greedy Heart
Be Quiet First
Just Stay At Home
Try Introspection
Surely Later
Good Again
Good Again
The World Is
Feeling Sick
Burdened With Exploitation
Burdened With Exploitation
Give It A Breath
To Heal
Don't You Get In The Way
Do Not Deter
Quiet First
And Apologize To Earth
Try To Introspection
Sure It Will
Healthy Again
Healthy Again
Healthy Again
Silent First
Just Stay At Home
Try To Introspection
Surely Later
Good Again
Good Again
Healthy Again
Healthy Again
Dunia Butuh
Rehat Sejenak
Sementara Ini
Sementara Ini
Kita Terlalu
Sering Memaksa
Kerakusan Hati
Kerakusan Hati
Diamlah Dulu
Diam-diam Di Rumah Saja
Coba Introspeksi
Nanti Pasti
Baik Lagi
Baik Lagi
Baik Lagi
Baik Lagi
Dunia Sedang
Merasa Sakit
Beban Eksploitasi
Beban Eksploitasi
Berilah Nafas
Sembuhkan Diri
Jangan Kau Halangi
Jangan Dihalangi
Sunyilah Dulu
Dan Minta Maaflah Ke Bumi
Coba Introspeksi
Yakin Akan
Sehat Lagi
Sehat Lagi
Sehat Lagi
Sehat Lagi
Diamlah Dulu
Diam-diamlah Saja Di Rumah
Coba Introspeksi
Nanti Akan
Baik Lagi
Baik Lagi
Sehat Lagi
Sehat Lagi
Wo.. O.. O.. O... O... O...
The World Needs
A Moment's Break
In The Meantime
In The Meantime
We Push
Too Often
Greedy Heart
Greedy Heart
Be Quiet First
Just Stay At Home
Try Introspection
Surely Later
Good Again
Good Again
The World Is
Feeling Sick
Burdened With Exploitation
Burdened With Exploitation
Give It A Breath
To Heal
Don't You Get In The Way
Do Not Deter
Quiet First
And Apologize To Earth
Try To Introspection
Sure It Will
Healthy Again
Healthy Again
Healthy Again
Silent First
Just Stay At Home
Try To Introspection
Surely Later
Good Again
Good Again
Healthy Again
Healthy Again
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