Lirik Lagu Fermenting Innards Carcass

Your Pulverized Torso Languishes In Its Pool Of Pus

Minced, Cancerous Viscera - Gore Seeps From The Guts

My Fetid Fetish Is To Excavate The Moulding Rot

I Drool My Gastric Juices As I Chomp On You Blood-clots

Fermenting Innards, Bubbling With Rot

Alcoholic Pus, Dissolves The Wooden Box

I Gouge Into The Chest's Cavity To Rip Out The Intestines

Slivering Soft Entrails To Release The Foaming Secretions

I Suck Up The Concoction And Eat The Decay

With Cankered Disgorgement I Excrete My Gurgling Prey

Bile, Chyme And Blood In The Offal Effervesce

I Eviscerate The Bowels And Drink The Clotted Cess

  Carcass   Writed by Admin  17x     2024-12-23 14:41:04

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