This Dying Soul

Dream Theater

Hello, MirrorSo glad to see you my friend, it′s been a whileSearching, FearlessWhere do I begin to heal this wound of self-denial?Face yourself man!Brace yourself andTrace your hell backYou've beenBlindedLiving lie a one wayCold existenceAll the whileNow .. Read »


Kyle Exum

I′ve beenTik-tokin'While I′m walkin'With my dogs and Milly rockin'Hit the woah, then pop and lock itLike the clockYeah I beenStraight flowin′While I′m scrollin'Losin′ focusHit the git upLike I wrote itRun it back with all the motionsI've beenTik-tokin′Whi.. Read »


The Oh Hellos

Climbing trees, like we did when we were childrenScaling walls, the walls that took us years to buildClimbing trees, haven′t much since we were childrenShaking limbs tend to end up bent and brokenSafe inside the walls we built, we found ourselves a homeHi.. Read »

This Will End

The Oh Hellos

No, I am not afraid to dieIt′s every breath that comes beforeHeartache, I've heard, is part of lifeAnd I have broken more and moreI can hope how this will endWith every line, a comedyThat we can learn to love without demandWith unreserved honestyIf I am n.. Read »

The Show

Rocco Hunt

Cancella tutta la merda che hai ascoltato fin′oraCi rimani sotto tipo carico di buonaRocco, Gem e NitroFanculo il tuo rapper preferitoVado al tuo party privato in bermuda e infraditoRap killer, fuori dal rap businessVenderei più copie se solo facessi fitn.. Read »

Teach Me

Kyle Dion

Being alone is comforting, ohMy secrets stay with me, yeah, oohI don′t tell, nobody, no, no, no, noI don't tell nobodyMost run away from meBut you found a way in meMight have to wait for me′Cause I don't believe in loveCan you show me?Oh baby, you show me.. Read »

Treinta Y Cuatro


Treinta y cuatro noches que me duelesSe siente como un año la ausencia de tiNo sé si esto es vida o es la muertePero creo, el tiempo sin ti es un sin vivirMiénteme como siempre lo has hechoMiénteme como si fuera la última canciónClava tus puñales en mi pe.. Read »

Telefono Nuevo

Bad Bunny

Me veo feli′, pero en sólo foto' vieja′Dios me escucha y dice: "guau, ¿cómo este cabrón se queja?"Tanto' logro' que a vece′ ni se festejaSi fumo me vuelvo paranoico, mi mente nunca se despeja, jeMi cuerpo está libre y mi corazón tra′ la' reja′La gente ve .. Read »

True Crime


I′ve got stories that could make the monsters under your bed cryWelcome to my life, it plays out just like a true crimeRomance and bad guys and plot twists and vampiresAnd I would tell you the truth, but you'd call me a liarWhite chalk outline, caution ta.. Read »

The Long One

The Beatles

You never give me your moneyYou only give me your funny paperAnd in the middle of negotiationsYou break downI never give you my numberI only give you my situationAnd in the middle of investigationI break downOut of college, money spentSee no future, pay n.. Read »