I need to beCleansedIt′s time to makeAmendsFor all of theFunThe damage isDoneI feelDiseasedI'm down on myKneesI needForgivenessSomeoneTo bear witnessTo the goodnessWithinBeneath theSinAlthough I mayFlirtWith all kinds ofDirtTo the point ofDiseaseNowI want.. Read »
Tolong Bilang
SayangKalau bosan, tolong bilang jangan hilangLebih baik selesaikan biar tenangWalau mungkin menyakitkan, oohSayangRasa nyaman ini, kita yang ciptakanTapi yang kurasa hanya jadi bebanKau tak pernah ambil peran, oohSetiap yang terucap di bibirHanya membawa.. Read »
They Don't Know
Foreign, foreignForeign, foreignForeign, foreignIn my zone ay yea yea yeahIs this what you wantedAre you riding for your bro or are you stallin′I told her please don't bring your girl cos she′s so boringCan't ignore that ring ring the money callin'Oh oh o.. Read »
Tout Lâcher
Parfois c′est vrai que je me méfie maisT'oublies mes larmes dans le sablierJe vois plus personne mais le temps défilerDepuis que j′ai préféré fuir de mon côtéDis-moi pourquoi sourire encoreIls ont fait que parler sur moiJ'ai capté le vice depuis longtemps.. Read »
Tha Me Thimithis
Θα με θυμηθείς, να το θυμηθείςΌταν φύγω πια κι όταν αισθανθείςΠαγωνιά και τέλοςΤότε τι να πεις, για παρηγοριάΤότε θα ′ναι αργά, τότε θα 'ναι αργά, τότε θα ′ναι αργάΘα 'ρθουνε στιγμές δάκρυα γεμάτεςΜόνη σου θα κλαιςΚλείσανε θα λες της ζωής οι στράτεςΘα με .. Read »
Take My Chance
If you′re running low on luckAnd the love don't hit the sameGot the dark calling your nameSome days you feel like giving upDon′t get caught up in the rain, just rememberOoh, whoaLife is for living, we dive in the deep end nowOoh, whoaLove is the meaning w.. Read »
The Story Of "graceland" As Told By Paul Simon
The "Graceland" story is a very interesting storyIn that it′s a very good example of how a collaboration worksEven when you're not aware of it occurringThe track is one of the early tracksBecause I only did five tracks in South AfricaOn the sessions that .. Read »