Old Great Master
The swords held high fire in the skyand the warcry sounds like beaststhey fight for the godswith sword and shield for freedomhigh above in the skyOld great masterhow beautiful you areI saw your eye in the skyand touched the great starWe did it all just fo.. Read »
One And Only (terjemahan)
You've been on my mindKau telah di pikirankuI grow fonder every day,Semakin hari semakin ku cintaLose myself in timeHingga aku melupakan waktuJust thinking of your faceHanya membayangkan wajahmuGod only knowsHanya Tuhan yang tahuWhy it's taking me so long.. Read »
Ouw Ouw Ouw
Nafas cintamu dalam nadikuKau raba rasaku dengan tatapanmuKau peluk tubuhku, belai rambutkuKau bisikkan aku kata i love youOuw ouw ouw kok jadi giniOuw ouw ouw menari-nariOuw ouw ouw nggak tahan lagiOuw ouw ouw jadinya tinggiOuw ouw ouw kok jadi giniOuw o.. Read »
One And Only
You've been on my mindI grow fonder every day,Lose myself in timeJust thinking of your faceGod only knowsWhy it's taking me so longTo let my doubts goYou're the only one that I wantI don't know why I'm scared, I've been here beforeEvery feeling, every wor.. Read »