When somethings pureHow can people just sayWe're not meant to beAnd when somethings trueHow can people justKeep me away from youSuddenly I'm all alonePushed away from nothing wrongDon't you have the guts to sayHow you feel about meOut of the blueThey said.. Read »
On The Ride
We don't have to tryTo think the same thoughtsWe just have a wayOf knowing everything's gonna be okWe'll laugh 'til we cryRead each others mindsLive with a smileMake it all worthwhileMake it all worthwhileLife has moments hard to describeFeeling great and.. Read »
Ogah Tapi Mau
Ooo...oo...oo...ogah ogah ogah, tapi mauOgah ah ogahkalau situ main paksaSabar ah sabarsaya mesti pikir panjangTunggu dong tunggutidak baik buru-buruNenek pernah bilangorang yang penyabarpasti urusannya lancarrr...Reff.Pikir-pikir setelah pikirpandang-pan.. Read »
O Mare Che Puorte âncuorpo
Quanno chello che sta fore nun te da cchiù 'o bene e 'a forza t'accuorge d' 'o mare che puorte 'ncuorpo quanta paure annascoste sotto 'e scoglie saglieno a galla 'e suonne comme tanta stelle 'e mare rosse comme e curalle 'e passione cchiù cucente E cchiù .. Read »
One Way Out
Ain't but one way out baby, Lord I just can't go out the door.Ain't but one way out baby, and Lord I just can't go out the door.Cause there's a man down there, might be your man I don't know.Lord you got me trapped woman, up on the second floor;If I get b.. Read »
Om Swastiastu (feat. Sutha Afi & Dewi Afi)
Om Swastiastu Om swastiastuUcapkan salam panganjaliCakupkan hatiTerbanglah tinggi membuang risau jiwa iniBiarkan diri serendah bumiBersila sepi dan sendiriCakupkan tangan bukalah HatiUcapkan panganjali(Reff)Biar biarlah sepi hatiDaki dakilah padma hatiSam.. Read »
One More Tequila
Sexy Senorita!!It's five 'till twelve, you still haven't calledBoy you must be out your mindHey chico mi amigoStand me up you ain't qualifiedIts 12 o'clock I'm hot and I'm readyI call my girls for a night on the townI give you a chance and I didn't hear n.. Read »
One Me And U
Time, space all over the placeWhenever you're near meI'm here my feelings are clearI've never felt so sureYou've changed the way I createI'll go wherever it takes mePain, tears, lead us to hereYou bring me so much joy[Chorus:]I don't know what you doBut I.. Read »