I've had a lot of big dreamsI've made a lot of bad movesI know you could walk awayBut you never doI've met a lot of cold heartsI've learned to smile and deceiveI know I'm hard to be aroundBut you never leaveI'm not easy to understandBut you hold out your .. Read »
Just Another Woman
Just another womanIn my lifeJust another womanLost in the nightJust another womanKeepin' in touch with a manKnock upon my windowLate at night making me believethat something's not rightI look through the window but all I can seeIs the rainStanding on my d.. Read »
Jangan Coba Coba
Mereka bilang kami kaum yang lemahYang hanya bisa diam saja di rumahTak punya mimpi tak ada posisiJangan main main karena ku bisa buktikan Pegang emansipasiKami punya potensiWalau kami suka bersedihTapi bukan berarti makhluk yang lemahPatah ataupun tak be.. Read »
Jerry Springer
It's been one week since we got to seeCheatin' lovers and cousins that marryFive days since they had the showWith the hermaphrodite, the slut, and the crack hoThree days since we heard the taleAbout the guy who learned his woman was a she-maleYesterday it.. Read »
Just To Be Loved
I was down to the bone I was lonely only yesterdayDidn't know I was throwin my chances awayThen you came along just long enough to seeFar beyond the fool that I have come to beJust to be loved by youIt's like having all my sweetest dreams coming trueYou s.. Read »
Jangan Lagi
Sudahlah cukup kuakhiri semuaKisah cinta yang berakhir hampaHanya luka yang kini tersisaBuatku kini tak ada artinya... oh...Apalagi yang engkau inginkanApa cinta yang pernah kuberikanTiada kata yang pasti bisa kuungkapkanTuk akhiri dan lupakan semua*Lukis.. Read »
Jangan Gila
Maju mundur atas ke bawahIya iya enggak enggak kenapa lagi?Apa pa sich maumu?Susah amat tinggal bilangABCDEFJ and bla bla bla blaJangan gila, jangan gila sayangNanti kau menyesalKira-kira kalau marah sayangNanti kau menyesalBaik, ngambek, diam lagi diam l.. Read »
Jeepers Creepers
JEEPERS CREEPERSAl Donohue/Johnny MercerJeepers, creepers, where'd ya get those peepers,jeepers, creepers, where'd ya get those eyes?Gosh all, git up, how'd they get so lit up,gosh all, git up, how'd they get that size?Golly gee! When you turn those heate.. Read »
Just For The Moment
Yeah...alrightHook:Just for the moment, just for the momentDon't ya know I tried so hard to please?Just for the moment, just for the momentThe way we first me, it happened so fastI thought too soon, but I hoped it would lastI didn't know you and yet we st.. Read »