Jangan halangi aku hanya karena kau kekasihnyaAku hanya mencoba tuk bisa jadi miliknyaWalau kau bunuh diriku, taakan bisa membunuh cinta sucikuJika ia sembunyi, ku akan terus mencariWalau harus hadapi seribu maki darinyaWalau kau miliknya satu, taakan bis.. Read »
J.b.g (english)
J.B.G. J.B.G., Bikini Her codename is J.B.G., J.B.G. J.B.G., for life All over the world it's The councellor, J.B.G. A James Bond Girl No one can escape it It's the ecstasy A James Bond Girl It's dynamite Her letters are J.B.G. Oh, she's a canon Aimed, sm.. Read »
J'en Ai Marre
J'ai la peau douce Dans mon bain de mousse Je m'éclabousse J'en ris Mon poisson bouge Dans mon bain de mousse Je l'emmitoufle, je Lui dis J'ai pas d'problèmes, je fainéantes Pas de malaises, je fainéante Dans l'eau je baigne, c'est l'important Bien à mon .. Read »
Jesus Help Me To Stand
Through trials, troubles and careI know Jesus my savior is thereGiving me faith through darkest daysKeeping me on the narrow wayJesus savior, help me each dayFill me with hope, fill me with faithDarkness retreats at the touch of Your handJesus savior, hel.. Read »
Jalan Terbaik
Datanglah waktuku untukMenanggalkan rasa cintaYang selama ini kuberikan untukmuDuhai kekasih tercintaKu harus beranjak pergiTuk mencari satu cinta yang lainMaafkan duhai kekasihAku bukan seseorangYang ditakdirkan untukmu maafkanDirimu terlalu indah untuk .. Read »
Jangan Datang Lagi (feat. Ferry & Iva)
( verse 1 )Ku hampir tak percayaYang didepan mataAda sebuah adegan mesraOh... bagai api menyalaMembakar-bakar jiwaHingga amarah ku pun membara( bridge )Kau buat aku kecewaTeganya kau menduakan cintaku( korus )Aku harus menjauhMenjauh darimu dan membuangSe.. Read »
Jacob's Dream
In the spring of 1856 with the snow still on the groundTwo little boys were lost in the mountains above the townThe father went out hunting the boys had stayed behindWhile mother tended to her chores they wandered from her sideThe two had gone to follow h.. Read »
Just The Way U Like It
Ooo, it's just as much as I can bear You're all around me, you are in the air It makes me tremble at the thought of getting close to you So save me from these thoughts that cross my mind Coz heaven knows I'm elated But I guess I'm inclined To feel this wa.. Read »