Well I'll sit here and convince myself it's true.If you keep on telling your friends that we're through.I've got nothing here but lonelinessHoles in walls and bleeding fists.My head is pounding like a pillow, like a big black song.Well my friends and I tr.. Read »
Fatally Yours
There's no mystery no more. Just no talking to you. Guess you had other things in store. Guess I just felt I was through. I answered every question as accurately as I could. I don't hear from you no more, but I get the message. You crashed your car throug.. Read »
Fall Victim
Not sure how this is supposed to feel Cutting like a red hot knife of surgical steel Brought flesh from the autoclave. She came, she came with sterile warning Screaming from her blade, "I want to make you bleed."I watched them fall in line, as I fell vict.. Read »
F*** You Aurora
My, my what a mess we've made of our pretty little heads these daysIt appears a heavy wind's blown through here recentlyBest wishes have been made for youYou never had no say it's trueYou have to be the cutest gravedigger I've ever seenAnd all your lonely.. Read »
Frequently Asked Questions
Ku tahu ini mungkin saja mengagetkanKu tahu ini kamu memang pertanyaanBukan cuma satu dua yang kan ditanyaJumlahlah beribu what you think what had to be doneWell hell yeah it had to be doneOrang punya karir kok dibuang-buangLihat lebih dalam ini bukan bua.. Read »
Frosty The Snowman / Rudolph Medley
rudolph the red nosed reindeerhad a very shiny noseand if you ever saw ityou would even say it glowsall of the other reindeerused to laugh and call him namesthey never let poor rudolphjoin in any reindeer gamesthen one foggy christmas evesanta came to say.. Read »
Flowers In Our Hair
Where have the flowers gone sun-childrenYour shirts are loud and your hair is longNow do you ever think we'll make itSomething more than a uniformAnd we're almost thereWe learn to love and we learn to giveAnd we earn the flowers in our hairWhere has the v.. Read »
Fear No More
fear no more for i bring you tidings of joy may this time in your heart never fade away for i know how long you've waited just to see the savior precious son of david is born to save for i know how long you've waited just to see the savior precious son of.. Read »
Farewell Mr. Sorrow
Six o'clock, all the closing shopsAnd the rainbows on the pavementsOf a sleepy town.October leaves were wept from the treesIn tears of grief and strange reliefAnd sympathy.... all for me.Do you remember walking outThe day it rained foreverAnd you were won.. Read »