Lirik lagu Sick Little Suicide The Matches

The Matches

Mark said he could hold his own head upand share his mindwith the peeling paint on the bedroom wall.One step ahead of the pack of Marlboros.Still, I don't believe he would take that fall.Those things will put you backsome paychecks,set you back about a ye.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sangre Thalia


sabes, no es sólo recordar el dolorsabes, son frases dentro de una canciónque quedan los momentos, que quedan los recuerdosque vivimos de amorsabes, el tiempo ha regresado el relojsabes, tus manos cubren mi corazóny no quiero olvidarte, y no puedo cambiar.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sincerely The Moonglows

The Moonglows

Sincerely-Artists: The McGuire Sisters-the # 3 song of the 1955-1959 rock era-was # 1 for 10 weeks in 1955-Words and Music by Harvey Fuqua and Alan Freed-competing version by writer Fuqua's group, The Moonglows, hit # 20Sincerely, oh yes, sincerely'cause .. Read »

Lirik lagu Stupid Boy Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Let me know how's it feelTo be under my skinWrapped around my heartIs it like anywhere you've been?And everything I do, I do it just for youSo why the hell don't you love me?Why the hell don't you need meLike I need you?Why are you so far above me?Don't y.. Read »

Lirik lagu Scratched Out The Matches

The Matches

wake up and waste a daychase awaya day at a timeand waste awayclean-faced todayclean taste todaytoothpaste makes myorange juice sourwaste an houror somy showeris slowthe flowersthat growoutside of my windoware bloomingI'm assumingthat you're comin' over s.. Read »

Lirik lagu Saliva Thalia


te tomas tus copas, luego crees que son pocascuando estás muy tomado, te pones pesadocoro:dame un beso, lo quiero es esocon sabor de uva, aunque se me subasaliva, me emborracha, tu sliva, mmm salivapasan las horas, tú me acalorasse esfuma la noche, tú pid.. Read »