Lirik lagu Glutton For Tragedy Brandtson


Hopes rise. desire. build something out of nothing. happiness in the distance. built this for you. only good intentions. feeling this in the distance. hours in the sun with sand stuck on my skin. and when i'm finally done the waves come crashing in. I don.. Read »

Lirik lagu Go Back In Fool Brandon Rhyder

Brandon Rhyder

VERSE 1 Go back in fool, what's the matter with you You aint going no where, and you know it There's no answers in this yard No wisdom in the dark Quit talking to the stars Before you blow it CHORUS Go back inside, and just hold her for a while She's one .. Read »

Lirik lagu Gang Bang Brand Nubian

Brand Nubian

Well, there's mad gangs, but only one got control Wherever they roam, from north pole to south pole Ice cold with a vice hold on all crime They gettin paid even if they shit is small time All your dimes'll get took, yo watch them sling (?) them things cau.. Read »

Lirik lagu Give Me Your Eyes Brandon Heath

Brandon Heath

Looked down from a broken skyTraced out by the city lightsMy world from a mile highBest seat in the house tonightTouched down on the cold black tarHold on for the sudden stopBreathe in the familiar shockOf confusion and chaosAll those people going somewhe.. Read »

Lirik lagu Guernica Brande New

Brande New

Ever since I was young your word is the word that always won. Worry and wake the ones you love. A phone call I'd rather not receive. Please use my body while I sleep. My lungs are fresh and yours to keep, Kept clean and they will let you breathe. Is this .. Read »

Lirik lagu Good Morning Zoom


Good Morning honeyGood morning sayangGood morning babyMorning morning (2x)Pagi datang ku ingat dirimuApa kabarmu bidadarikuKicau burung ramaikan hatikuSapa dirimu di pagi indahkuKu rindu suaramu hangatkan pagikuBegitu bahagia kumemilikimuAku kan selalu ha.. Read »

Lirik lagu Gerhana Ziana Zain

Ziana Zain

Benar... aku yang bersalahMungkin... tiada kemesraan di hatiHarus... kau fikirkan jua...Segala perubahan sikap mu ituBukan niat kuMelukakan hatimuTika ia bermulaCinta kita bersinarMasih dalam ingatanPaduan... janjiJangan kau persoalkanDimana kejujuranMasi.. Read »

Lirik lagu Gementar Menghukum Kalbu Ziana Zain

Ziana Zain

Pernah dulu ku cariSentuhan kasih berlagu di hatiTercipta seri cintaBelum pernah ku merasaSehinggalah aku bertemuJernih cahaya wajahmuErtu kasih terhiasBermakna cinta ku berbalasAkan terbina penuh rahsianyaSepi kata tiada suaraSembunyi rasa selindungkan w.. Read »