Lirik lagu Hamburg Song (terjemahan) Keane


Lagu ini berhasil dirilis pada tahun 2006 lalu. Yuk mari kita simak lirik dan arti terjemahan dibawah ini. I don't wanna be adored Aku tidak ingin dipujaDon't wanna be first in line Tidak ingin menjadi yang pertama dalam antreanOr make myself heard Atau b.. Read »

Lirik lagu Hummingbird Heartbeat Katy Perry

Katy Perry

You make me feel like I'm losing my virginityThe first time every time when you touch meI make you bloom like a flower that you never seenUnder the sun we are one buzzing energyLet's pollinate to create a family treeThis evolution with you comes naturally.. Read »

Lirik lagu Hot 'n Cold Katy Perry

Katy Perry

You change your mindLike a girl changes clothesYeah you, PMSLike a bitchI would knowAnd you over thinkAlways speakCrypticallyI should knowThat you're no good for meCause you're hot then you're coldYou're yes then you're noYou're in then you're outYou're u.. Read »

Lirik lagu Hook Up (terjemahan) Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Oh, sweetheartOh, SayangPut the bottle downLetakkan botolnya di bawahYou've gotKamu sudah memperolehToo much talentTerlalu banyak bakatI see youAku melihatmuThrough thoseMelalui ituBloodshot eyesMata merahThere's a cureAda obatnyaYou've found itKamu telah.. Read »

Lirik lagu Hook Up Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Oh, sweetheartPut the bottle downYou've gotToo much talentI see youThrough thoseBloodshot eyesThere's a cureYou've found itSlow motionsparks you caught that chillNow don't deny itBut boys will be boysOh, yes they willThey don't wantTo define itJust give u.. Read »