Hey ho, let's go They're forming in a straight line They're going through a tight wind The kids are losing their minds The Blitzkrieg Bop They're piling in the back seat They're generating steam heat Pulsating to the back beat The Blitzkrieg Bop Hey ho, l.. Read »
Lirik lagu Blitzkrieg Bop Ramones
Hey ho, let's go Hey ho, let's go Hey ho, let's go Hey ho, let's goThey're forming in straight line They're going through a tight windThe kids are losing their minds The Blitzkrieg BopThey're piling in the back seat They're generating steam heatPulsating .. Read »
Lirik lagu Beat On The Brat Ramones
Beat on the brat Beat on the brat Beat on the brat with a baseball batOh yeah, oh yeah, uh-ohBeat on the brat Beat on the brat Beat on the brat with a baseball batOh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh Oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-ohWhat can you do? What can you do?With a brat .. Read »
Lirik lagu Bad Brain Ramones
I used to be an A studentI never used to complainI used to be a truantBut I'm still the sameBad bad brainBad bad brainI used to go to partiesI used to drink champagneNow I'm beginning to feel the strainBad bad brainBad bad brainI used to be in show bizI u.. Read »
Lirik lagu Bring It On Rancho Carne High
I'm sexy, I'm cute, I'm popular to boot. I'm bitchin', great hair, the boys all love to stare. I'm wanted, I'm hot, I'm everything your not! I'm pretty, I'm cool, I dominate this school. Who am I? Just guess, guys wanna touch my chest. I'm rockin', I smil.. Read »
Lirik lagu Baby, I Love You Ramones
Have I ever told youHow good it feels to hold youIt isn't easy to explainAnd though I'm really tryin'I think I may start cryin'My heart can't wait an other dayWhen you kiss me I just gottaKiss me I just gottaKiss me I just gotta say :Baby, I love youCome .. Read »
Lirik lagu Beware Of The Rampsack Rampage
A summer evening on the Champs ElyséesA secret rendezvous they planned for daysA sea of faces in a crowded caféThe sound of laughter as the music playsJean Claude was s student at the universitéLouise Marie was just a world awayHe recalled the night they .. Read »
Lirik lagu Bück Dich Rammstein
Bück dich befehl ich dirWende dein Antlitz ab von mirDein Gesicht ist mir egalBück dichEin Zweibeiner auf allen VierenIch führe ihn spazierenIm Passgang den Flur entlangIch bin entäuschtJetzt kommt er rückwärts mir entgegenHonig bleibt am Strumpfband kleb.. Read »
Lirik lagu Büch Dich Rammstein
bück dich - befehl ich dirwende dein Antlitz ab von mirdein Gesicht ist mir egalbück dichein Zweibeiner auf allen Vierenich führe ihn spazierenim Passgang - den Flur entlangich bin enttäuschtjetzt kommt er rückwärts mir entgegenhonig bleibt am Strumpfband.. Read »
Lirik lagu Bestrafe Mich Rammstein
Bestrafe mich bestrafe mich Stroh wird Gold und Gold wird Stein deine Grösse macht mich klein du darfst mein Bestrafer sein Der Herrgott nimmt der Herrgott gibt Bestrafe mich bestrafe mich du meinst ja und ich denk nein schliess mich ein in dein Gebet bev.. Read »