Lirik lagu I Wont Be There [verse] Simple Plan

Simple Plan

I don't want to make thisHarder than i have toThis is how it has to beThere's so many thingsI want to sayBut u just don't listen to meI don't want to hurt youYou don't want to hurt meI can't stand youAnd you can't stand meWe can't rearrange you canNever c.. Read »

Lirik lagu I Wont Be There Simple Plan

Simple Plan

I don't want to make thisHarder than i have toThis is how it has to beThere's so many thingsI want to sayBut u just don't listen to meI don't want to hurt youYou don't want to hurt meI can't stand youAnd you can't stand meWe can't rearrange you canNever c.. Read »

Lirik lagu I Refuse Simple Plan

Simple Plan

Stop being such a freakNobody wants you hereThat's what they said to meThere's something wrong with youWhy don't you disappear?That's what they said to meWhy should we all be stereotypes?Why don't we all just stand up and fight?In my bloodIn my veinsIn my.. Read »