Lirik lagu Smoke And Ashes Tracy Chapman

Tracy Chapman

I'd heard rumors and I'd heard talk About the trail you'd left of broken hearts About the sea of tears too wide to cross But a little bad press has never scared me off So I burned a path to figure out How to get me some of what you got I've got a red hot .. Read »

Lirik lagu Short Supply Tracy Chapman

Tracy Chapman

Where areThe sunny daysThe blue skiesThe flowers for the childrenThe colors for their eyes?Don't you seeDon't you seeAll these things now daysCome in short supplyIt's time that weIt's time that weMake a space in our heartsAnd open our eyesWhere areAll the.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sunday Mondays Vanessa Paradis

Vanessa Paradis

The sun is outThe clouds are slowly goingAnd now my heart is growing fastSo let's get upPut on you hat and clothingLet's take a trip and lose our mindsLet's go walking through the park todayI love Sunday Mondays any dayWhen the skies are blue and it's not.. Read »

Lirik lagu Superfly Slick Dick Vengaboys


Kim: Big Boy Showing Of All Around The CityStill The Same For Such A SuiteThinking You're So BadHustlin' Girls, Handy Phone, Acting Like Your BusyBaby Let Me Tell You, You're The Worst I Ever HadRobot Voice: Superfly SuperflySuperfly Slick DickSuperfly Su.. Read »

Lirik lagu St Germain Vanessa Paradis

Vanessa Paradis

pour un exilce petit bout de femme t'emmènera lointout est permisj'ai mis mes pas dans les sienselle est bien le soleilpuisque tout tourne autour d'ellepetite merveillepas si faciled'être aussi pure dans un monde qui l'est moinsmille et une symphoniesqu'e.. Read »

Lirik lagu Soldat Vanessa Paradis

Vanessa Paradis

Petit soldat Pret au combat Rase frais le matin Petit soldat c'est ton coeur qui bat Soldat, soldat... Aux, aux armes, je t'aime bien Aux, aux larmes citoyenPetit soldat Trois jours deja Tu y crois, t'y crois pas C'est la vie qui bat en toi la Qui voudrai.. Read »

Lirik lagu Stil In Mij Van Dik Hout

Van Dik Hout

Kom bij me zitten sla je arm om me heen en houd me stevig vast. Al die gezichten bekend maar beleefd of ik een vreemde was Vanavond. toont dat het leven zijn ware gezicht Kom bij me liggen sla je lijf om me heen ik heb het koud gehad We moeten winnen, de .. Read »

Lirik lagu Save A Place For Me Tracy Chapman

Tracy Chapman

(bonus track) Save a place for me Save a space for me In your heart In your heart Save a place for me Save a space for me In your heart In your heart If you wait I will come for you If you wait I will come for you If you wait I will come for you If you wa.. Read »