Lirik lagu Island Sarah Brightman

Sarah Brightman

What's life revealingBut base realityTake it how you want toNothing comes for freeWe go all round believingIn perfect harmonyWho tells us that's the right way?Just open up and seeRefrain:Like living on an islandI'm lost no land in sightLike living on an i.. Read »

Lirik lagu In Paradisium Sarah Brightman

Sarah Brightman

Requiem aeternam dona eis.Domine, et lux perpetua,Requiem aeternam,Aeternam dona eis.Perpetua luceat [eis].In Paradisum.Christe eleison.Dona eis requiem sempiternam.In Paradisum.Christe eleison.In Paradisum.Translation:In HeavenGrant them eternal rest,Lor.. Read »

Lirik lagu In Pace Sarah Brightman

Sarah Brightman

Diligite justitiam,o judices terrae,o judices terrae.Justorum animae in manu Dei sunt,et non tanget illos tormentum mortis.Visi sunt oculis insapientium mori, et aestimata est afflictio exi[s]tus illorum -- illi autem sunt in pace.Tyrannus impius non habe.. Read »