If I could live forever thenI don't know what I'd doForgot just what I meant to sayBut I'm still in love with youThe future sounds boringWithout the one you loveSo while we're here in here and nowCan we have some funLet's make outLet's make outLet's make .. Read »
Lirik lagu Meet Ya Rita Ora
Oh,Oh, oh, ohOh, oh, ohDid you know that they tore downWhere I lived, yea, my mom's houseCouple summers agoMaking loveAll the way till the sun downI remember you were the king and I was the queenAnd I know that it's done nowNext year it can run outMight a.. Read »
Lirik lagu Menino De Braçaña Rita Lee
é tarde, eu já vou indoPreciso ir embora´té amanhã Mamãe quando eu saí disse:"Bichinho, não demora em Braçanã"Se eu demoro mamãezinha tá a me esperarPra me castigarTá doido, moço, num faço isso nãoVou m´imbora, vou sem medo dessa escuridãoQuem anda com De.. Read »
Lirik lagu Mania De Você Rita Lee
Meu bem você me dá água na bocaVestindo fantasias, tirando a roupaMolhada de suorDe tanto a gente se beijarDe tanto imaginar loucurasA gente faz amor por telepatiaNo chão, no mar, na lua, na melodiaMania de vocêde tanto a gente se beijarde tanto imaginar .. Read »
Lirik lagu Me Amaras Ricky Martin
Me amarasAunque tenga que rogarte me amarasAunque tenga que obligarte me amarasEres cosa mia Me amarasAunque tenga que sudarte me amarasAunque tenga que domarte me amarasLlegara ese dia Me amarasEs un reto que ha nacido entre los dosEres la unica mujer qu.. Read »
Lirik lagu Maria Ricky Martin
Un, dos, tres Un pasito pa'delante, Maria Un, dos, tres Un pasito pa'atras Un, dos, tres Un, dos, tres She's the one that always turns me on A sexy angel fallen from heaven She's the one that always drives me wild In her arms I'm trapped forever Asi es Ma.. Read »
Lirik lagu Marcia Baila Ricky Martin
MarciaMarcia bailaSe va quitando su vestidoMarciaMarcia bailaPasito a paso yo la sigoMarcia baila conmigoMarciaMarcia bailaAnestesiando mis sentidosMarciaMarcia bailaIgual que baila un corazónUn corazónPara no morirTiene que bailarMarcia da vueltas y vuel.. Read »
Lirik lagu Moonchild Rm
We're part of the moonlightAin't a fantasyCan't bring you the sunlightGotta hide your heartWe're born to be sad, sad, sad, sadSo start to be glad, glad, glad, gladC'mon yo moonchild, moonchildThat's supposed to beYeah all the pain, all the sorrowThat's yo.. Read »
Lirik lagu My Rifle Pony And Me Ricky Nelson
My Rifle Pony and Me Sun is sinking in the west The cattle go down to the stream The redwing settles in the nest It's time for a cowboy to dream Purple light in the canyon that is where I long to be With my three good companions just my rifle pony and me .. Read »
Lirik lagu My Buckets Got A Hole In It Ricky Nelson
MY BUCKET'S GOT A HOLE IN ITRicky NelsonYes, my bucket's got a hole in itYes, my bucket's got a hole in itYes, my bucket's got a hole in itI can't buy no beerWell, I went upon a mountainI looked down in the seaI seen the crowds and the fishesDoing the be .. Read »