All embrace me, it's my time to rule at lastFifteen years have I been waiting to sit upon my throneNo allegiance I will swear no oathCrowned by God not by the church as my power is divineThey thought I was too young to rule the landJust as they failed to .. Read »
Lirik lagu Como Un Explorador Sabina Joaquin
Después de tanto tiempo al fin te has idoy, en vez de lamentarme, he decididotomármelo con calma.De par en par he abierto los balcones,he sacudido el polvo a todos los rinconesde mi alma.Me he dicho que la vida no es un vallede lágrimas... y he salido a l.. Read »
Lirik lagu Camouflage Sabaton
I was a P.F.C. on a search patrol, huntin' Charlie downIt was the jungle wars of '65My weapon jammed and I got stuck way out all aloneAnd I could hear the enemy movin' in close outsideJust then I heard a twig snap and I grabbed my empty gunAnd I dug in sc.. Read »
Lirik lagu Como Te Digo Una "co" Te Di Sabina Joaquin
Borja, como te "ajogues" te mato.termínate primero el melón,y luego las tres horas de la digestión,hay que ver qué mal rato,pero el niño no me quiere comer,Borja, corazón,te lo he dicho cienes y cienesde veces, dobla esa toalla,¡Qué hartura de playa!pero .. Read »
Lirik lagu Cerrado Por Derribo Sabina Joaquin
Este bálsamo no cura cicatrices,esta rumbita no sabe enamorar,este rosario de cuentas infelicescalla más de lo que dicepero dice la verdad.Este almacén de sábanas que no arden,este teléfono sin contestador,la llamaré mañana, hoy se me hizo tarde,esta form.. Read »
Lirik lagu Crawl Before You Ball Saafir The Saucee Nomad
Intro: Yo Saafir what's goin' on playboy? Saafir: What's really goin' on? Huh you tell me baby. Saafir:Hey it's like this man. I gotta let these motherfuckers know how to crawl man. I know everybody tryin' to come up immediately. Saafir:You know they do.. Read »
Lirik lagu Cosmic Boy S.p.o.c.k
All around in space you can hear about a guy without any fear doing anything at all as long as it pays Living in danger is what he prefers, breaking laws and meet beautiful girls Every little second is usable, his life is a race Cosmic boy - looking for a.. Read »
Lirik lagu Can U Feel Me? Saafir The Saucee Nomad
I'm cruisin I'm losin money on gas I pass a car with a star in it I stare For a minute but that's the limit Otherwise gas won't be the only thing I'm losin' money too...ooh wee! It's Tuesday two days after the weekend Imagine if the weekend was a day .. Read »
Lirik lagu Charlie X S.p.o.c.k
We picked him up in universe from another starship around He had crashlanded on a planet out here and fourteen years later he was found From the very beginning he acted very strange but okay, he'd been alone for a while And maybe that also was the reason .. Read »
Lirik lagu Cute Boy S.t.a.r.s
Ohh girl look at that cute boy! Yea he is cute girl go talk to him. Aight watch this!Hey cutie! Wuz up ? Nothin you know juss lovin tha life! Well I was juss wonderin if u wanna call me sometime so we can get to know eachother a lil better! Yea,that would.. Read »