Lirik lagu Ladybugs' Picnic Sesame Street

Sesame Street

One two threeFour five sixSeven eight nineTen eleven twelveLadybugsCame to the ladybugs' picnicOne two threeFour five sixSeven eight nineTen eleven twelveAnd they all played gamesAt the ladybugs' picnicThey had twelve sacks so they ran sack racesThey fell.. Read »

Lirik lagu La La La Sesame Street

Sesame Street

Ernie: [Hi, Bert.]Bert: [Oh. Hi, Ernie. Hey, I've been sitting here trying to think of what we can do with this here, letter "L".]Ernie: [Oh. Well, let's see. You know one thing, you can sing sort of a "La La La" song with the letter "L".]Bert: [Uh, what .. Read »

Lirik lagu Lucky 4 You She Daisy

She Daisy

You always say that I have multiple personalitiesAnd I found some where between my dreams and realitySo where did you dig up the ardasity to ask me how we've all been doin (how we've all been doin) since you broke our hearts.Chorus:Well so far,Number 5 ju.. Read »

Lirik lagu Love Goes On She Daisy

She Daisy

When I said I love you, babyYou said knock on woodI'm afraid I knocked harder ThanI probably shouldThose mockingbird words got away from me Wish I could take them back, yeahI wonder how you've beenSince we kissed good-bye'Cause the grass ain't any greener.. Read »

Lirik lagu Loca Feat El Cata (terjemahan) Shakira


Gila gila)Loca (loca)Jangan kasar, (gila)No te pongas bruto, (loca)Bahwa kamu meminumnyaQue te la bebeMenari atau mati (gila)Dance or die (loca)Dia untukku dan untukmu dia terhapusEl está por mi y por ti borróDan bahwa Anda memiliki segalanyaY eso que tu .. Read »

Lirik lagu Loca Feat El Cata Shakira


Loca (Loca)No te pongas brutoLoca.Que te la bebe'Dance or Die (Loca)El está por mi y por ti borróY eso que tú tienes to'Y yo ni un Kikí.El está por miY por ti borró (borró)Y eso que tú tienes to'Y yo ni un Kikí.Ella se hace la bruta pa' cotizarseConmigo e.. Read »

Lirik lagu Lo Imprescindible (terjemahan) Shakira


Bleib, sayang, bleib, sayangBleib, baby, bleib, babyGeh nicht wieder wegGeh nicht wieder wegBleib, sayang, bleib, sayangBleib, baby, bleib, babyGeh nicht wieder wegGeh nicht wieder wegSebuah mesin berpikir dari AndaUna máquina de pensar en tiItulah aku, a.. Read »