O holy night, the stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior's birthLong lay the world in sin and error piningTill He appeared and the soul felt it's worthA thrill of hope, the weary soul rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.. Read »
Lirik lagu O Come All Ye Faithful David Archuleta
O come all ye faithfulJoyful and triumphantO come ye, o come yeTo BethlehemCome and behold HimBorn the King of angelsO come let us adore HimO come let us adore HimO come let us adore HimChrist the LordSing, choirs of angelsSing in exaltationO sing, all ye.. Read »
Lirik lagu Over Bleknede Blåner Til Dommedag Dimmu Borgir
Langt om lenge det stormens blest slår tidevannets sprekninger slår hav på en skatt har snart alle skogstjern frosset og snøen dekker en fjelltopp Stripels kriger traust han var som satte sitt mot i gammel tid va.. Read »
Lirik lagu Over Bieknede Blaner Till Dommedag Dimmu Borgir
Langt om lenge det stormens blestslar tidevannets sprekningerslar hav pa en skatthar snart alle skogstjern frossetog snoen dekker en fjelltoppStripels kriger traust han var som satte sitt mot i gammel tidvandrer hen til dodoy skar etter sin banestorgildt .. Read »
Lirik lagu Oceano Diego Torres
Asi un dia amaneció en los brazos de la pasión mi corazón descansando en ti el firmamento antre los dos la aventura más feliz. Ya ves que no hay sobre la tierra más vida que tú y yo y lo demás siempre es lo demás para nosotros sale el sol por nosotros nad.. Read »
Lirik lagu Omen Feat. Sam Smith Disclosure
I'm feeling something, something differentWhen you left, my picture changedI was blinded, I'd not envisionedThe same face in a different frameIt's an omen, caught my baby cryingSaw the silver liningIt must be an omenNeeded you to show me, without you I am.. Read »
Lirik lagu Omen (feat. Sam Smith) (terjemahan) Disclosure
I'm feeling something, something differentAku merasakan sesuatu, sesuatu yang berbedaWhen you left, my picture changedKetika kau pergi, gambaranku berubahI was blinded, I'd not envisionedDan aku terbutakan, aku tak bisa melihat masa depanThe same face in .. Read »
Lirik lagu Opelgang Die Toten Hosen
Opel-GangDen Arm aus dem Fenster'das Radio voll an'draußen hängt ein Fuchsschwanz dran'in jeder Karre sitzen vier Mann.Die Bullen eben in der Stadt abgehängt'mit 110 einen Ford versengtund einen Fiat ausgebremst.Wir haben neue Schluffen draufund uns Ralle.. Read »
Lirik lagu Outro (dc-3) Thank You Destiny\'s Child
Chorus: You are my best friend you've been right here through thick and thin you are my best friend guiding me through places i've been you are my best friend through our situations you've been my insperation my best friend your still here and I love you .. Read »
Lirik lagu One For My Baby Dianne Reeves
It's quarter to three,There's no one in the place 'cept you and meSo set 'em' up JoeI got a little story I think you should knowWe're drinking my friendTo the end of a brief episodeMake it one for my babyAnd one more for the roadI got the routinePut anoth.. Read »