Lirik lagu The Ink And The Quill Anti-flag


The water turned black and it's just getting darker.So be afraid, be afraid, be very afraid of the coming nightmare.The neo-christian theocrats pray on a Sunday afternoonThen welcome in Pinochet's men to intimidate and kill.All that we know, all that we k.. Read »

Lirik lagu Terbang Jauh Hanoman


By : NikoSong 1Aku tak dapat berhenti Meski ku tahu raga telah letihHingga nafas ku terhentiMungkin ku baru sadari semuaReffDunia takkan berubahMeski ku coba terbang jauhHanya rintih yang adaSaat kucoba kembali keduniaSong 2Berharap hilangkan gundahNamun .. Read »

Lirik lagu The Consumer's Song Anti-flag


Don't trust them as far as you can throw them 'cause as strong as you may be you won't be able to move them an inch but you don't have to believe me go ahead and be the corporate stooge that they trained you to be and... Then you'll see what you get for y.. Read »

Lirik lagu That's Youth Anti-flag


Go! we were just hanging on the corner, after skating for a few we were just killing time looking for something new then someone came 'long with a guitar, and we just started to play and we sang clash songs and the songs of our lives until late into the n.. Read »

Lirik lagu Tak Seindah Mimpi Hanoman


By : NikoDi setiap hela nafaskuDi penantian hidupku Hanya kau yang aku inginkanNamun dirimu raguTuk terima cintakuDan tinggalkan diriku disiniHanya didalam mimpiDirimu dapat kumilikiReffIzinkan ku terus bermimpiBermimpi tuk memilikimuKarna saat ku terbang.. Read »

Lirik lagu Tearing Everyone Down Anti-flag


I thought id begun to see a changebut the more things change the more they stay the sameback stabing and name calling the trademarks of your actsyou talk and you talk of unity but divide with your attacks"i d like to see a change, i d like to see a change.. Read »

Lirik lagu Tearing Down The Borders Anti-flag


No one flag flies over the multi-national companyNo allegiance to the board's homeland, fellow citizens, the flag, born of their countryAs the brainwashed nationalists moveTo shed their blood on battlefieldsWar profiteering rich watch their stock reap hig.. Read »