Lirik lagu Isih Tresno Didi Kempot

Didi Kempot

Aku nangis kowe malah ngguyuKebangeten to sliramuSaiki wis ora eling mring akuSing biyen dadi kancamuAku iki jane isih tresnoSeprene ra ono wong liyoNanging sliramu saiki wis bedoLali mulih kerep lungoKoyo wong adus sing uwis lali andhukeTeles kebes tak u.. Read »

Lirik lagu Ilang Tresnane Didi Kempot

Didi Kempot

Tak trima trimakeYen pancen ngono karepeTenane batinku ora nglila akeNing nyatane kudu koyo ngeneMugo mugo bener pilihaneWis ilang tresnaneWis lali piye sumpahe naliko kaeNing saiki kok ngene dadineTresname jebul mung ono lambeMung ono lambeTak trima trim.. Read »

Lirik lagu Ingat Kamu Dina Mariana

Dina Mariana

Diam diam kau curi pandangDi pintu sekolahKau tersenyum dan menggodakuAku terispu maluKau kirimkan salam manismuLewat sahabatkuSejak saat itu bila tak bertemuTerbayang bayang wajahmuAku mau mandi ingat kamuAku mau makan ingat kamuAku mau tidur ingat kamuA.. Read »

Lirik lagu Iki Wek E Sopo Didi Kempot

Didi Kempot

Wong yen lagi gandrungRa perduli mbledhose gunungWong yen lagi naksirRa perduli yen perang nuklirNadyan lagi bokekDirewangi nretek nretekJarene wis jodoOpo opo duwe'e wong loroWong yen lagi kepikatRa perduli ndunyo kiamatWong yen lagi nyenengiRa perduli l.. Read »

Lirik lagu Idih..idih..kamu Dina Mariana

Dina Mariana

Panggil pangil panggilSiul siul nyaringKudengar setiap hariApa maksudnyaApa maunyaIseng-iseng menggodaPanggil panggil namaTak berujung pangkalMenyebut asal sajaApa-apaan kenalpun tidakOh keterlaluanDisini dia, disana diaSelalu menggodaAduh terlalu tak tah.. Read »

Lirik lagu If I Fall Amber Pacific

Amber Pacific

This is for the ones who believe their lives won't changeHoping that someday things will meant and be the sameAnd this is for the ones who have lost it all and all that's left to gainIs a simple reminder that the things that were blind to slip awayHow can.. Read »

Lirik lagu If You Could Read My Mind Amber


If you could read my mind loveWhat a tale my thoughts would tellJust like an old time movie'Bout a ghost from a wishing wellIn a castle dark or a fortress strongWith chains upon my feetYou know that ghost is meI don't know where we went wrongBut the feeli.. Read »

Lirik lagu If There Is No Tomorrow Amber


If there would be no tomorrowWhat would you do if there would be no tomorrowImagine the future would just be your worldThe sun falls asleep with the moonWould you think differently for the momentAny idea what you doPeople if there would be no tomorrowWoul.. Read »

Lirik lagu If I'm Not The One Amber


I listen to the words you say -- slowly striking me as lightningWhatever seemed to be so safefell down like a house of cardsTell me that I'm dreamingWhy did you talk about lovewhen you've never really loved me?I lose it from desperationThis feeling, so fr.. Read »