Lirik lagu Evilization Arkangel


Legions of demons advance in the shadow of mankind,Infernal hordes of chaoswage war against earth,Soldiers of doom poor venom on the land.Final shreds of nature swing on the brink of abyss, while non human life agonizes.Anthropocentrism is tainted by the .. Read »

Lirik lagu Elegy Arid


ElegyHold still, don't move I saywilt thou hear my elegyHead high,preserve my prideI shall defy the gallowsI and you and me wellWe just don't knowWhat love can doI,I pledge to you thatI won't deceivethe heart that's mine.As here I sitI vowyour historydoes.. Read »

Lirik lagu Everytime Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

[Intro]Back to you, back to you, back to youBack to you, back to you, back to youI go back to you, back to you, back to you everytime[Verse 1]I get tired of your no-showsYou get tired of my control (Yuh)They keep telling me to let goBut I don't really let.. Read »

Lirik lagu Ekspresi Indonesian Idol

Indonesian Idol

Begitu banyak yang ada di hatiMenanti terkuakUntuk mengungkapkanDan mencurahkanBerbagai rasa dan kesanTentang kehidupan wow..Begitu sarat yang ada di benakMenunggu tersiratAda segala caraDan berbagai jalanUntuk mewujudkanHasrat di hati khayalanKedalam cip.. Read »

Lirik lagu Eleanor Rigby Aretha Franklin

Aretha Franklin

I'm Eleanor Rigby, I picked up the riceIn the church where the weddin's had been, yeahI'm Eleanor Rigby, I'm keepin' my face in a jar by the doorYou wanna know what is it for?Well, all the lonely peopleWhere do they all come from? yeahAll the lonely peopl.. Read »

Lirik lagu Entah Apa Yang Merasukimu Ilir 7

Ilir 7

Aku percaya kamuTapi lagi-lagi kau bohongikuKau telah tipu akuAku menyayangimuTapi lagi-lagi kau sakitikuKau telah khianatikuTak pernah ku sangka kau telah berubahKau membagi cinta dengan dirinyaAku yang terluka, sungguh aku kecewaEntah apa yang merasukim.. Read »