Ketika ku melihat rumahHalaman luas dan indahAku teringat anakku, Aku teringat istrikuKetika ku membaca koranBerisi tentang masa depanDan aku teringat anakku, aku teringat istrikuAntara kenyataan dan harapanLingkaran yang tak berkesudahanAntara kenyataan .. Read »
Lirik lagu Tak Semudah Mimpi Iksan Skuter
Tatap matamu membangkitkan hidupkuYang sempat terjatuh dan tersakitiDan senyumuman mu membangkitkan cintakuYang kemarin hari dikhianatiDan pelangi menghampirikuWarnai dunia cintakuTersenyumlah walau hidup tak semudah mimpiBahagialah walau hidup tak sepert.. Read »
Lirik lagu This Confession Means Nothing Architects
I close my eyesAnd hold you in my armsDespite all the painYour confessions means nothing.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tiada Kata Berpisah Imam S Arifin Feat. Nana Mardiana
Imam S Arifin Feat. Nana Mardiana
Tiada kata berpisah, antara kau dan akuJangan pernah terucap, dari bibirmu kasihHati ini, hanya ada namamuSampai akhir dunia nantiCinta kita abadiTiada kata berpisah, antara kau dan akuJangan pernah terucap, dari bibirmu kasihDi Alam jagat ini, tak seoran.. Read »
Lirik lagu They'll Be Hanging Us Tonight Architects
Raid all the liquour storesKidnap the kidsThis night's not over yetRunning on Lucifer's bloodWe're trashed in the back of your carA cheap lay in the parking lotA shot for aftersAs I watched you slaying behind the wheelThey're Gaining on usA sharp left tur.. Read »
Lirik lagu These Colours Don't Run Architects
These streets are not paved with goldDo not believe everything that you're toldDeception Hides in all you seeCorruption hangs in the air that you breathe.And in the land of the freeYou know nothing comes for free.Fourth drive in paradiseVapid souls check .. Read »
Lirik lagu The Darkest Tomb Architects
It's getting hard to breathe in hereWhat I would give to be set freeThis darkness surrounding meThey're coming for usThey're closing inTake careful aimI know you will not missAvoid eye contactShoot the messengerPools of blood surroundDo not run and hide t.. Read »
Lirik lagu The Blues Architects
Never, never lose sightOf what you started it forNo matter what comes in betweenAnd I used to thinkThat I knew better than those around meBut something changed along the wayAnd you're the reason I'm wanting to stayI used to sink and now I swimI've had to .. Read »
Lirik lagu Trauma Cinta Ika Putri
Aku pernah mengalamiKehancuran dalam percintaanSaat bersama dengannyaHanya derita saja ku dapatTak mau ku bercinta'Karna sulit bagiku 'tuk lupakanPengalaman cinta yang.. aku laluiKetika bersamanya.. rasa takut menghantuiJiwa dan ragaku ini..Karena ku suda.. Read »
Lirik lagu The Bitter End Architects
When time resets, we all Become zero.Decimals apart, take us back to the start.Tear down the walls, that were built to divide.Can you feel that fire growing?We're standing on the edge of the event horizon,Moments before the Earth starts to flatline... Read »