You disappear, a nameless face in the crowd.It seems as if you were dispensable.But without you it wouldn't be the same crowd.You are the crowd. You are the face.Denying all that's left behindThrough blindness in the mindEngrossed in a distorted hazeStrug.. Read »
Lirik lagu Lidmasinas Brainstorm
Mana gaismataina Rita viena pati zeme krita, ari tuu (uu), ari tuu!Nemanot ka lapa dzisa mana gaismataina Rita, ari tu (uu), arii tu (uu)!Bet kur ir mana lidmasina,kur ir mana lidmasina,kur ir mana lidmasina, kur taa ir?Bet kur ir mana lidmasina,kur ir ma.. Read »
Lirik lagu Liar's Edge Brainstorm
You say to me I'm guiltyfor things I've never doneI'll try to show resistanceI'm out to prove you wrongI hate your accusationsyour cheap and nasty tricksI'm not your private targetdon't treat me bad againI'm calling your namewhat's your excuseI'm saying t.. Read »
Lirik lagu Lining Lake Michigan Braid
punch me in right therein your bed we playwe use your pillowsand security blanketshere's your ballot now punch me outthank youagain very muchcrybabiesshould cry for babiesin a crib i'm danglingand the rope is endingpleasecan i come inthank youagain very m.. Read »
Lirik lagu Love Is Never-ending Brad Paisley
Seasons come and seasons goOne day sun, the next day snowFlowers die and flowers growBut love is never-endingYou can't kill it with goodbyeIt always finds a place to hideInside your heart for your whole lifeLove is never-ending[Chorus]When the lights have.. Read »
Lirik lagu Liburan Zara Leola
Libur telah tiba semua bergembirapacking bawa kamera yang penting pergi entah kemanaLibur telah tiba semua bersuka riaJangan tunda-tunda ayo lakukan sekarang sajaKe gunung ke pantaiAyo ramai-ramai bawa aku kesanaIndahnya liburan bersama teman-temanLiburan.. Read »
Lirik lagu Long Sermon Brad Paisley
They've read the scripture, they've passed the plateAnd we're both prayin' he don't preach lateBut he's gettin' "Amens," and that's just our luckYeah, it's eighty-five degrees outside and he's just gettin' warmed up ChorusOh you and me, we could be soakin.. Read »
Lirik lagu Little Moments Like That Brad Paisley
Well i'll never forget the first time that i heardthat pretty mouth say that dirty word! And i caint even remember now what she backed my truck intobut she covered her mouth and her face got red and she just looked so darn cutethat i couldnt even act like.. Read »
Lirik lagu Lughnasad Brain Donor
Crawling in the rain - I'm the One-eye love, Vegetation calling and the stars above, Wind blows my face and it blows me too, My hunter Goddess, you can call me Lugh My love kicked me out, Yeah, for being a pain, See me outside Walking in the rain Gimme wh.. Read »
Lirik lagu Like A Motherf***er Brain Donor
A time will come when everyone knows A taste of the sacred overdose On to your knees That you might find Upon the floor a wisdom of upheaval Beyond the good and Evil Western time will be exposed As a linear thread drawing to a close As a cul de sac As the.. Read »