Fort surrounded by waters during that winter of battlesThose waters were covered by diamondlike iceIn that castle of stone under siege of curved sabresIt was so freezing, so cold and no foodSorceress of that castle got an idea to helpThem away from the hu.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dewi Cinta Nemo
Oh Dewi cinta tolong sampaikan padanyaKu cinta dirinya OhOh Dewi cinta tolong hembuskanNafas cintaku kepadanya OhAku ingin dirinyaMenjadi kekasihkuAku ingin dirinyaUcapkan cinta padakuOh Dewi tolong tolong tolongKabulkan semua inginkuOh Dewi tolong tolong.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dark Sorceress (autumn Siege) Barathrum
Castle stands on the islands of stoneIt is surrounded by dark watersCenturies on it's placeFor centuries more it shall do the sameIt's history so cruelThe fort was cursed by eerie doomThere's a witch enclosed into the wallNo one knows exact place whereThe.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dagger, Seal, Vengeance Barathrum
Extreme Practice Made Mind So Strong Equipments Of Rite Of Revenge Someone's Destiny Will Be Sealed Someone's Fate Meets The End Do Not Suffer Strike Back Hard Use Your Strenght Power Of Your Mind Dagger, Seal, Vengeance Remember The Pain It Must Be Paid .. Read »
Lirik lagu Dear My Ortu Ndx A.k.a Feat Mk
terima kasih ibu kau telah membesarkankuterima kasih ayah kau telah mendidikkukau ajarkan aku tentang arti hidupyang pernah ku jalani bersamamuoh ibu dirimu sungguh berarti bagikuhanya dirimu yang selalu ada di hatikupengorbananmu sungguh tak terhitung ol.. Read »
Lirik lagu Drowning Banks
You try to lie, I can see that you don't need meNeed me don't need me, need me don't need meAll of your words they've been cursed with dishonesty(With dishonesty, with dishonesty)Take it from the girl you claim to love you're gonna get some bad karmaI'm t.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dijarak Natasha
wis sun turuti paran hang riko pinginiwis sun welasi riko ning atitapi kok riko magih sing biso ngimbangimalah nggudo nglio roso ngloro atiwis sun turuti paran hang riko pinginiwis sun welasi riko ning atitapi kok riko magih sing biso ngimbangimalah nggud.. Read »
Lirik lagu Doaku Natasha Pramudita
Rinduku, rinduku mencariMuTertunduk ku meredupKu bersujudPintaMu, setia menunggukuSempurna penuh kasihRahmat IlahiTakkan pernah ku berlariTakkan lagi berpalingKupatuhi semua jalanMu iniHati kecil ku berkataJika ku tlah bersalahSempurnaMu tuntun jalankuAmp.. Read »
Lirik lagu Duda Muda Nassar Kdi
Banyak orang mendugaAku menikah terpaksaBanyak orang bertanyaMengapa ku kawin mudaBanyak orang mendugaAku menikah terpaksaBanyak orang bertanyaMengapa ku kawin mudaTernyata mereka tak tahuSemua itu kehendakkuKu takut godaan syaitanKarena berlama pacaranBa.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dover Beach Bangles
If I had the time I would run away with you To a perfect world We'd suspend all that is duty or required. Late last night you cried And I couldn't come to you But on the other side You and I, inseparable and walking. Yeah, oh woe. If we could steal awa.. Read »