Lirik lagu Left Five Iron Frenzy

Five Iron Frenzy

Johnny's got a grip on a blissful life,He sucks on the smoke from the dope in his pipe.Wrapped around his fingers, a noose is loosing slack,strangling his forearm to fill his vewins with smack.P.C.P. spells gun to the head,half a syringe or a barrel full .. Read »

Lirik lagu Life Goes On Fergie


Mmm, da-da-da-da-da-da-daEvery day when I wake upTryna read my fortune on the bottom of my coffee cupBut it seems like I never finishIt's always half full (or is it half empty?)Maybe it's my own superstition or a kind of self protectionIf it all looks bad.. Read »

Lirik lagu Le Aquile Franco Battiato

Franco Battiato

Il vento gonfiava le mie vesti di veramente stabile erano le mie scarpe nere alle caviglie ortopediche. Un tempo passavo ore in palestra continuai a inseguirla per inerzia. La vidi stagliarsi tra alberi e cielo e dopo un piccolo volo camminare monca e rap.. Read »

Lirik lagu Little Lies Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac

If I could turn the pageIn time then I'd rearrangeJust a day or twoClose my, close my, close my eyesBut I couldn't find a waySo I'll settle for one dayTo believe in youTell me, tell me , tell me liesTell me liesTell me sweet little lies(Tell me lies, tell.. Read »

Lirik lagu La Carrera Extremoduro


Esta es la vida de un estudiante que estudiaba sin parar se estaba haciendo una carrera y no era en la universidad, era una carrera que no tenía final. Sus padres le preguntaban ¿hasta dónde vas a llegar? y él muy tranqui, él pasaba- hasta que ya no quede.. Read »