Lirik lagu Teroesir ( Menunggu Karma ) Nidji


Aku yang terusirJauh dari kamuJauh dari kamuCinta dan harapanDibunuh dan matiBangkit dan terbunuh lagi(Semua karena dirimu)Aku yang mengemisMengais cintamuSeperti pengemisAku yang dibuangDari relung tanganOrang yang kucintaOh TuhanAmpunilah dosaDendam aku.. Read »

Lirik lagu Take My Breath The Weeknd

The Weeknd

I saw the fire in your eyesI saw the fire when I look into your eyesYou tell me things you wanna try, uhI know temptation is the devil in disguiseYou risk it all to feel alive, oh, yeahYou′re offering yourself to me like sacrificeYou said you do this all .. Read »

Lirik lagu Tú Maye


Todo lo que viene yo lo pidoEn cada momento infinitoBusco lo que escondesTú me dices dóndeTodo lo que pasa es relativoPero, cada vez que estoy contigoEl tiempo se detieneY desaparecesY tú me das todo lo demásYo quiero estar donde tú estásAmor eres túSolo .. Read »

Lirik lagu Trust Jonathan Ogden

Jonathan Ogden

Father, You are goodYour mercies never endYou love me more than anyoneYou′re my closest friendSearch my heart, oh GodRead my every thoughtSee if there is any weakeness in meFor You have seen the depths of my heartAnd You love me all the sameYou still love.. Read »

Lirik lagu Tanpa Diminta Vidi Aldiano

Vidi Aldiano

Ku pernah dengar kisahCinta dewa dewiMenyentuh hatiKu pernah tahuTujuh keajaiban duniaMenggetar hatiNamun saat dirikuDengar seru namamuAda yang berbeda di jiwakuTak ada yang mengalahkan semuaSeperti mentari yang mengerti pada pagiSinari hati ini tanpa dim.. Read »

Lirik lagu Torn Neck Deep

Neck Deep

I thought I saw a girl brought to lifeShe was warm, she came around like she was dignifiedShe showed me what it was to cryWell, you couldn′t be that girl I adoredDon't seem to knowDon′t seem to care what your heart is forNo, I don't know her anymoreThere'.. Read »

Lirik lagu Terpikat Senyummu Idgitaf


Tak perlu rasa simpatiKau yang memilih pergiTinggalkan ku sendiri hmmMenyesal pun belum pastiYang kurindu memoriBukan dirimu lagiKan kupendam sendiriKuredam teriakanku sendiriBersumpah tak ingin lagi hmmTak mau lagi akuTerpikat senyummuYang memabukkankuMe.. Read »

Lirik lagu Too Good Christian Kuria

Christian Kuria

Girl, you′re a riverOf healingI was certain that I wouldn't lastAnd you are the answerTo questionsThat I didn′t know my soul was askingMy time's been wastedSearching for lightWhen you're the brightest thing in my life′Cause you′re the water that runs fore.. Read »