Lirik lagu I Miss You Beverley Craven

Beverley Craven

Here in the silence I waitThere's nothing else I can doIt feels like my heart's gonna breakAnd all I can think of is youAnd how my aching arms long to hold youAnd show you how much I careBut I'm counting the hours without youAnd I don't know how much I ca.. Read »

Lirik lagu Iwak Tongkol Ratna Antika

Ratna Antika

ini cerita lagu yang tak biasayang menciptakan mungkin kehabisan temaaku dipilih untuk jadi artisnyakepekso tak nyanyekne, aku butuh bayaranedo re mi fa sol mangan emi lawuh tongkoltongkole gedi mestiyo enak rasanefa so la si do weroh tongkol la kok melon.. Read »

Lirik lagu I'll Be Your Lampshade Beulah


though I didn't mention I prayed for you that day you left glasco and your shell and sailed back to the bayand though it was predicted old times always sound so bad the calender was the saddest thing that I ever read Ii hope you know you'll always be the .. Read »

Lirik lagu Imajiku Rasti


Imajiku ? Khayalanku ? Anganku ?Angan fana diriku ?Akan bayang sosokmu ?Tak terjangkauTak tergapai ? Tak terengkuh ?Terlalu jauh bagiku ?Terlalu jauh imajiku ?** Bagaikan sosok bersayapYang tak pernah kan tertangkapHanya dapat melihatmuHanya dapat menatap.. Read »

Lirik lagu Itsy Bitsy Betty's Trash

Betty's Trash

you know what we do to gurls like youyou take all yours needs and you do it, pleasenow use your mouth, get it out, nowyou know what we do to gurls like youyou know how we seem to gurls like meyou do it everynite and u do it rightyou take all yr needs and .. Read »

Lirik lagu Is That All There Is Bette Midler

Bette Midler

"I remember when I was a very little girl, our house caught on fire.I'll never forget the look on my father's face as he gathered me up in his armsand raced through the burning building out to the pavement.I stood there shivering in my pajamas and watched.. Read »