Lirik lagu Amber Dir En Grey

Dir En Grey

The spring breeze makes the uneasy sound as my dreams crumbleand my future brakes. I have no more...I want to be with you more. I want to be near you.I try to hide my weak tears behind a smile, but I can't hide anymore.My years of dreaming, at the end, wi.. Read »

Lirik lagu Around The World Dj Bobo

Dj Bobo

Can you feel it Can you feel it What it means to hold a hand I've been around the world Can you feel it Can you feel it What it means to have a friend I've been around the world If you need a hand, you can find a friend In every nation, of this world If y.. Read »

Lirik lagu Another Night With You Dj Bobo

Dj Bobo

I can't tell how I feel Since I realised our love is for real I've been hurt many times It's so hard to be all alone Another night without you Don't you feel, I need you When you're in my arms all my dreams come true When you're gone, I feel weak It's so .. Read »

Lirik lagu Atmosphere Division Joy

Division Joy

Walk in silence,Don't walk away, in silence.See the danger,Always danger,Endless talking,Life rebuilding,Don't walk away.Walk in silence,Don't turn away, in silence.Your confusion,My illusion,Worn like a mask of self-hate,Confronts and then dies.Don't wal.. Read »

Lirik lagu Alza La Espada Division 250

Division 250

Negras Nubes Cubren Europa Un Suave Viento Comienza A Soplar Pronto Muy Pronto Este Suave Viento Se Convertirá En Tempestad Celtas e Iberos Son Nuestros Padres Pueblos Guerreros De Nuestra Nación La Sangre Y El Suelo Nos Traen Su Recuerdos Recuerdos De Gl.. Read »

Lirik lagu Afrika Diverse Kunstnere

Diverse Kunstnere

Alle går vi rundt i voresegen lille verdenDrømmer om guld og grønne skoveog den store kærlighedOver sø og landunder en stille stjernehimmelHar vi sunget dine sangeHar vi danset til din melodiDet der er vores liver så langt fra sult og nødDet land som alle.. Read »

Lirik lagu Ala Delta Divididos


Una chica en el cielovive en mi oceano salvaje; una radio que se caemientras duermen pajaros acauna radio en el mar, una chica en el cielo todo el tiempopuedo ver pero no se, todo esta muy rapido aca. Y los pibes remontaban barriletes, y la virgen paso ha.. Read »