i never thought this could be mei guess you never dountil it's happening to youlike all the fun turns into shameand all the 'could have beens'rearrangeso little time so many crimesguilt like a chain chokes my will awayredemption never seemed so crueland a.. Read »
Lirik lagu Release The Dogs Boy Sets Fire
In a moment of weakness they've gone for the throatPrayers answered for the ruling classes, and we swallowed them wholeHeads down and hands up our need for safety has been hijacked againThey've got their fingers on the pulse of our mourning with knives po.. Read »
Lirik lagu Roar Feat Bea Miller Boyce Avenue
I used to bite my tongue and hold my breathScared to rock the boat and make a messSo I sit quietly, agreed politelyI guess that I forgot I had a choiceI let you push me past the breaking pointI stood for nothing, so I fell for everythingYou held me down, .. Read »
Lirik lagu Rindu Yangseku
Hatiku selalu ingat akan dirimuhatiku selalu ingin dekat denganmubesarnya rinduku ooh ku ingin bertemu* Apakah di sana kau rindukan aku di siniapakah di sana kau inginkan aku lagiooh aku tak bisa menunggu ooh aku tak bisa lagiSemakin aku coba untuk lupaka.. Read »
Lirik lagu Rest Up Dan Terjemahan Boy Pablo
All by myself, 4:30 AM, why can't I sleep now?Sendirian, 4.30 pagi, kenapa aku tak bisa tidur?I feel the urge to call you againAku merasa ingin menelfonmu lagiI know it's not real, just stuck on repeatAku tahu itu tidak nyata, hanya terjebak berulang-ulan.. Read »
Lirik lagu Rest Up (terjemahan) Boy Pablo
Lagu ini berhasil dirilis pada tahun 2020 lalu. Yuk mari kita simak lirik dana rti terjemahan dibawah ini. All by myself, 4:30 AM, why can't I sleep now?Sendirian, 4.30 pagi, kenapa aku tak bisa tidur?I feel the urge to call you againAku merasa ingin mene.. Read »
Lirik lagu Ready / Problems Dan Terjemahan Boy Pablo
My thoughts mixed upPikiranku bercampur adukYou don't seem to botherKamu sepertinya tak peduliAre you blind or just tiredApa kamu buta atau hanya lelahOf everything that has been going onDari semua yang telah terjadiLately I'm sorryAkhir-akhir ini aku min.. Read »
Lirik lagu Ready / Problems (terjemahan) Boy Pablo
Lagu ini berhasil dirilis pada tahun 2017 lalu. Yuk mari kita simak lirik dan arti terjemahan dibawah ini. My thoughts mixed upPikiranku bercampur adukYou don't seem to botherKamu sepertinya tak peduliAre you blind or just tiredApa kamu buta atau hanya le.. Read »
Lirik lagu Restless Dreamer Boy Meets Girl
There you are, thinkin' one love will get you through all timeSomething goes, you know what, but you know know wherePassion takes a train, and love takes the blameSo dream on restless dreamer, dream on restless dreamerMy restless dreamerIt's a surprise, w.. Read »
Lirik lagu Ratu Cantik X Ray
Buat dirimu sedihMembenci diriku salahTeteskan air di wajahmuHingga kau menangis salahMaafkan diriku yang slalu membuatmu kecewaKumohon sayangku 'kan kubuat kau s'bagai ratukuRatu cantikkuSering ku bicara padamuSakiti hatimu sesaliKumohon padamuJanganlah .. Read »