S¹ pewne sprawy na œwiecie O których dobrze wiecie S¹ sprawy na tej ziemi O których wszyscy wiemy Nie wszystko siê g³adko uk³ada I nie na wszystko jest rada I nie wiem, czy w ¿yciu pozna³em Kogoœ czystego Czystego Czystego Dusz¹ i cia³em Kto tego nie zroz.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sequel Harry Chapin
So here she's actin' happy inside her handsome homeAnd me, I'm flyin' in my taxi, takin' tips and gettin' stoned.I got into town a little early.Had eight hours to kill before the show.First I thought about heading up north of the bayThen I knew where I ha.. Read »
Lirik lagu Superstitious Feeling Harlequin
S-somewhere in the night turning to the rightSomething clicks inside of your headA taste of mystery creepin' over meShadows of an unknown dreadSuperstitious Feelin', Superstitious Feelin'The flashing of a light slashes through the nightChanging colours in.. Read »
Lirik lagu S³owicza Grzegorz Turnau
Na ulicy S³owiczej, na ulicy zmyœlonej Nie ma wcale kamienic, tylko same balkony. Pozawiesza³ je niegdyœ na pozornych zawiasach Ob³¹kany architekt, który ¿y³ w tych czasach. Nikt z przechodniów nie dotar³ do zmyœlonej ulicy - Unikaj¹ jej szklarze i wêdrow.. Read »
Lirik lagu Saturday Morning Harry Chapin
Saturday morning, And it's growing lightI look out my window, And remember the nightA story is starting, And this story ends.And I feel like I need you again….Time used to move softly When I was at homeIt went on without meAnd left me aloneNow it sits at .. Read »
Lirik lagu Summer Rain Groove Coverage
Summer Rain Feeling….(Rap Part…)Refr.:Oh my love isYou that I dream of..Oh my love seems the daySummer rain my heartI always dancing with youIn the summer rainEvery night and every day now,Go I now you gonna waySummer rain my heartI always dancing with yo.. Read »
Lirik lagu She (video) Groove Coverage
She hangs out every day near by the beachHavin' a HEINEKEN fallin' asleepShe looks so sexy when she's walking the sandNobody ever put a ring on her handSwim to the oceanshore fish in the seaShe is the story the story is sheShe sings to the moon and the st.. Read »
Lirik lagu She Groove Coverage
She hangs out every day near by the beachHavin' a HEINEKEN fallin' asleepShe looks so sexy when she's walking the sandNobody ever put a ring on her handSwim to the oceanshore fish in the seaShe is the story the story is sheShe sings to the moon and the st.. Read »
Lirik lagu Stay Harket Morten
StayI say it as a friendHe can handle the daylightBut the night has its wayTouch himLike on one did beforeNo fingerprints on the dewSo stayWhatever you doWatch him laughingOoh he can't help itHe sees through the eyes of a childWhen he sees youBabyThe town.. Read »
Lirik lagu Spanish Steps Harket Morten
Must have been walkingDon't know this placeSomebody stopped talkingIt is written in my faceThought I'd never leave youThought I'd never dareBut I watched you going underThat's a thought I could not bearFive thousand miles I'm away from youDrifting by the .. Read »