(Lari White/Chuck Cannon)You can take a stranger homeNever spend a night aloneBut you have to face the morning feeling empty inside'Cause you can't pretend it's realWhen what you really want to feelIs the magic of the moment when love can't be deniedWhen .. Read »
Lirik lagu The Old Matchbook Trick Lambchop
The last time that i came here I came down with a fever The next day it was gone With the suddenness of ist arrival When we all were much younger Were we really different In the really real world we knew Last night i saw the sun rise Over sleepy barcelona.. Read »
Lirik lagu Terjemah Love Song Lana Del Rey
In the car, in the car, in the backseat, I'm your babyDi mobil, di mobil, di kursi belakang, aku sayangmuWe go fast, we go so fast, we don't moveKita melaju kencang, kita melaju sangat kencang, kita tak bergerakI believe in a place you take meAku percaya .. Read »
Lirik lagu Terjemah High By The Beach Lana Del Rey
Boy, look at you, looking at meSayang, melihatmu melihatkuI know you know how I feelKu tahu kau tahu apa yang kurasakanLoving you is hard, being here is harderMencintaimu memang sulit, tapi berada di sini lebih sulitYou take the wheelKau jalankan roda itu.. Read »
Lirik lagu Take Me Lari White
(Stephony Smith/Bob DePiero)Forty miles outside of Houston's city limits,Eldorado with a full tank of gas in it,It'll take us where it thinks we need to go,All we got to do is keep it in the middle of the road.Take me up to Wichita,Hold me in Niagara Fall.. Read »
Lirik lagu The Old Gold Shoe Lambchop
The gold stereo Stretches out the sound Turns the plates until they're rounded The whole that you know Gets closer to the ground Closer to that thing you found For all our massive brains To call on choked remains It's painful It's certain That something's.. Read »
Lirik lagu The New Cobweb Summer Lambchop
The last thought that you think today Has already happened The link between profound and pain Covers you like sherwin williams The smokey joe is broken Drops into your lap And the big red wasp Makes a scan through My black pages Last night our boy was out.. Read »
Lirik lagu To Have And To Have Not Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards
Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards
Up in the morning and out to schoolMother says there be no work next yearQuantifications once the Golden Rule are now just pieces of paperJust because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm lazy.Just because you're going forwards doesn't mean I'm going ba.. Read »
Lirik lagu To Have And Have Not Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards
Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards
Up in the morning and out to schoolMother says there'll be no work next yearQualifications once the Golden Rule are now just pieces of paper Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm lazy.Just because you're going forwards doesn't mean I'm going.. Read »
Lirik lagu The Militant Lambchop
He hails you and you pay him no mind A painter with nothing left upstairs Life needn't work out that way He's directing his misinterpretations Fresh letters in the hard cement Anagrammed by one tony d In any order: the kkk Inscribed by an idiot I gouge th.. Read »