その涙が汗が滲んだ誰とも違う美しさで笑っておくれよ息を切らした君は誰より素敵さ気の抜けた炭酸みたいに微かに気怠い日々に溶けた家鴨の侭で翼を広げて空を舞う白鳥の夢を見る彷徨うくらいなら一層味わい尽くしましょ近道ばかりじゃ味気がないでしょ道草を食って泥濘み飲んででもたどり着けなくてまた何度だって夕暮れ追いかけるの走れ遥か先へ汚れた靴と足跡は確かに未来へと今駆けてゆく息を切らした君は誰より素敵さ物語の始まりはいつも静寂を切り裂き突然に胸の中ざわめく焔に照れて忘れて大人になる形振り構わず今日は御仕舞いにしましょ日.. Read »
Lirik lagu Blanka Pnl
Igo, ils m′demandent tous de l'aideMais moi j′suis rien sans cette oseilleJe roule, que la peuf me balaieTordu, tordu par CorbeilJ'ai peur un peu pour moi, beaucoup pour toiJ'essaie de m′adoucir mais l′humain me rend noirIl reste quelques gens biens, je g.. Read »
Lirik lagu Belle Delphine's Bathwater Burshady
I drank Belle Delphine′s bathwaterI drank her bathwaterI drank her bathwaterI drank Belle Delphine's bathwaterI drank her bathwaterI drank her bathwaterI sat on my computer and I turned it onGot a message from a user and his name is JohnYou want to play a.. Read »
Lirik lagu Belati Tuhan Superman Is Dead
Menebas terali terkurung apiTerlahir telanjang tanpa senjataMeradang meluka dirantai dogmaMemanggil badai runtuhkan kekangBerderap serentak tanpa seragamTak pernah henti berkaratWouooo ... Kamilah kutukan peradabanWouooo ... Kamilah suara yang terlupakanW.. Read »
Lirik lagu Brainwashed Tom Macdonald
Half the country fell asleep but they scream wokeWe′re distracted by vaccines and TV showsPolitics, celebrity, gossip, popular neat quotesBlack lives, white lives, which lives mean most?We only dedicate one day to remember our fallen soldiersThe men and w.. Read »
Lirik lagu Bells Ring Out Bigpapicarter
Zuki out in O Town I miss that boyZumi fly style with the corduroyB$G slide pull up with the convoyNo fugazi we the real McCoyYeah I′m a gunslinger like Colt McCoyBut I ain't from Texas I′m a Florida boyAnd when I go pro they gon make some noiseYeah the t.. Read »
Lirik lagu Block Me Out Gracie Abrams
I′ll say whatever you want, but I've become such a liarI used to follow my gut, but now I′m just getting higherIt's been a couple of months since I turned to something violentI should be happier now so why do I feel this quiet?Now I only let me downWhen t.. Read »
Lirik lagu Bloom The Paper Kites
In the morning, when I wakeAnd the sun is coming throughOh, you fill my lungs with sweetnessAnd you fill my head with youShall I write it in a letter?Shall I try to get it down?Oh, you fill my head with piecesOf a song I can′t get outCan I be close to you.. Read »
Lirik lagu Beautiful Oblivion (feat. Idk) The Neighbourhood
I won′t lie, I don't love you all the time, babyI do sometimes but it′s hard for me to fall in, babyPut yourself down, have a little shameHelp me bring it back before we go awayWe are all the same, we are all to blameI don't need to say anybody's nameI′m .. Read »
Lirik lagu Blue Eyes Night Traveler
There′s a CadillacParked outside our houseFilling up the streets with smokeJust like the tears in your eyesHolding on likeThe light on the moonTwenty one days till I come back throughFrom playing every neon roomAnd it's hardTo leave the one you love lonel.. Read »