Lirik lagu Someday Celtic Woman

Celtic Woman

Someday, when we are wiser, When the worlds older, When we have learned.... I pray someday we may yet, Live to live and let live. Someday, life will be fairer, Need will be rarer, And greed will not pay. Godspeed this bright millenia, On its way, let it c.. Read »

Lirik lagu Siulil A Run Celtic Woman

Celtic Woman

Shule, shule, shule aroon Shule go succir agus, shule go kewn, Shule go durrus oggus aylig lume, Shule, shule, shule aroon Shule go succir agus, shule go kewn, Shule go durrus oggus aylig lume, Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn. I wish I was on yonder hill .. Read »

Lirik lagu Serpent Eve Cathedral


The serpent she writhes in knowledge for rebellion and heresy, the serpent she thrives on knowledgefor beauty and ecstasy, the night contains me, exults me, promises me the tender touch of theserpents dreams. O' to dark foundations grey deliverance, mesme.. Read »

Lirik lagu Si Do Mhaimeo I Celtic Woman

Celtic Woman

'Sí do mhaimeo í, 'sí do mhaimeo í 'Sí do mhaimeo í, cailleach an airgid 'Sí do mhaimeo í, ó Bhaile Inis Mhóir í 'S chuirfeadh sí cóistí ar bhóithre Cois Fharraige Dá bhfeicfeá' an "steam" 'ghabhail siar Tóin Uí Loin' 'S na rothaí 'ghabhail timpeall siar .. Read »

Lirik lagu Sea Serpent Cathedral


Liquid God takes my soul awayFlying high through a bloodshot sky I fall back down to my water grave Walking Dead when you leave me dry Sea serpents surround me Aqua demons - drowning me Save my soul from this graveLiquid God-you have madeInside your churc.. Read »

Lirik lagu Send Me A Song Celtic Woman

Celtic Woman

Take the wave now and know that you're free, turn your back on the land face the sea, face the wind now so wild and so strong,when you think of me, wave to me and send me a song. Don't look back when you reach the new shore, don't forget what you're leavi.. Read »