Lirik lagu Bebaskan Asmara Oddie Agam

Oddie Agam

Malam begitu indahhanya kita berduaTak berani berjanjiku menahan emosiApalagi hatikumendengar rayuanmuRasanya tak tertahantuk memberi kecupanKini waktunya tibamembebaskan asmaraJangan ragu dan malukarena aku pun begitumari kita sama-samaReff.Bebaskan asma.. Read »

Lirik lagu Big Attack Beatsteaks


Hello…hello…hello… Hello there Ladies and Gentleman Hello there Ladies and Gentleman Wanna join me down your roads On the interstate where they say it’s safe no more It’s gonna come down on you anyway So pick up the brand new sound Or stick to you guns An.. Read »

Lirik lagu Birunya Cintaku Obbie Messakh

Obbie Messakh

seminggu yang lalukau masih disini cerita padaku tentang asmaraseminggu yang lalukau masih disinikau ikat kembang dirambut hitamkuindahnyaMesranya saat itubelum habis manis yang kurasakansudah kau balas pahit beginiternyata untukku kau berikan sisadari ci.. Read »

Lirik lagu Bahagia Untukmu Obbie Messakh

Obbie Messakh

Malam ini kau masih disiniduduk disebelah kanankuada yang hendak engkau bicarakannamun bibirmu seakan tak bergerak dan diammalam ini aku mengertimalam terakhir kau dan akukenyataan memang berat untuk kita berdua memadu cintarela kurela demi untukmu bahagi.. Read »

Lirik lagu Blackened In The Ussr Beatallica


Flew in from Miami-Kirk, Larz, Cliff, and meWhipping dance of dead last niteOn the way the paper bag wuz on my kneeCouldn't even hit the lightzWe're blackened the U.S.S.R.Kirk, Cliff, me, and Larz-ohhh!Blackened the U.S.S.R.Been away too fuckin' long so w.. Read »

Lirik lagu Brass Monkey Beastie Boys

Beastie Boys

Brass Monkey - that funky MonkeyBrass Monkey - junkieThat funky MonkeyGot this dance that's more than realDrink Brass Monkey - here's how you feelPut your left leg down - your right leg upTilt your head back - let's finish the cupM.C.A. with the bottle - .. Read »

Lirik lagu Brand New Beastie Boys

Beastie Boys

Brand New Brand new, it's brand new for you Brand new, it's brand new for you Brand new, it's brand new for you Brand new, it's brand new for you Deep inside you will find Something that you won't mind Think about diamond rings and goldfronts combined The.. Read »

Lirik lagu Body Movin Beastie Boys

Beastie Boys

Ready, one.You will do this four times with the leftFour with the rightThen eight times with bothThen repeat.Body movin, body movinA-1 sound, sound so soothingBody movin, body movinWe be getting down and you know we're crush groovin.Now Let me get some ac.. Read »

Lirik lagu Bodhisattva Vow Beastie Boys

Beastie Boys

As I Develop The Awakening Mind I Praise The Buddha As They Shine I Bow Before You As I Travel My Path To Join Your Ranks, I Make My Full Time Task For The Sake Of All Beings I Seek The Enlighted Mind That I Know I'll Reap Respect To Shantideva And All Th.. Read »