Lirik lagu Terbunuh Rindu Andrigo


Rindu rindu memang rinduTapi hati semakin piluCinta cinta memang cintaTapi semakin terlukaSayang sayang memang sayangAku selalu kau salahkanSampai kapan ku bertahanBila kau selalu beginiEngkau tahu hatikuTerlalu cinta kepadamuSemua telah ku korbankanDemi .. Read »

Lirik lagu This Alone Is Love A-ha


This alone is loveNo small thingThis alone is loveThat my love bringsAnd all of uswho are travelling by trap-doorsOur souls are a myriad of warsAnd I'm losing everyoneIt will make my last breath pass out at dawnIt will make my body dissolve out in the blu.. Read »

Lirik lagu Tak Ingin Pisah Andrea Dan Nino

Andrea Dan Nino

Tak ingin pisah engkau dan akuTakkan sama diriku tanpa genggamamuOh cintakuTak ingin pisah engkau dan akuSemua membatu semua membekuTanpa kamuBagaimana mungkin hujan tercipta tanpa megaTakkan bersemi bunga tanpa mentariBagaimana mungkin kaki kitaMelangkah.. Read »

Lirik lagu There's Never A Forever Thing A-ha


Dearest...Dry your eyes nowDon't you cryIt's all rightLie backLeave the light onIt's all right, dearI'll be here through the nightWith you till the first signs of lightSay the word and I'll come tonightIt's all right nowDon't you cry nowHush...Wipe your t.. Read »

Lirik lagu Terlalu Andre Hehanusa

Andre Hehanusa

Kuingin kau adaKuingin kau diamDi sisi hatiku malam iniMenemani kesepiankuMengapa kau jauhMengapa kau bimbangDalam keraguan yang membuatHati kita berdua terpisah* Yakinkan di hatiSemua kan berakhirPastikan esok hari nantiKita temukan bahagiaReff: hatiku t.. Read »

Lirik lagu The Love Of My Life Abiygayil


The love of my life As days go by I think of youI need you here with meI feel you all around me as IStumble in the dark of my heartAs I try to grasp your heart in my handI fall away from you. Chorus:I want to be near youI want you to careAnd deep in my he.. Read »

Lirik lagu The Day Reality Hit Abiygayil


The Day reality hit The car up ahead is slowing downI hear a noise and see a lightI don't understand the screaming thru the nightI hear a cry and then all is quietI never shall understand the sightFor my eyes were not awake to see the horror that was sitt.. Read »