Lirik lagu Where Are You Baby Betty Boo

Betty Boo

(Ooh ooh ooh) I can't believe you've left meDon't know that you've upset meYou just want to forget me, why don't you come and get meAnd boy, I really miss you and all I wanna do is kiss youI've used up all my tissues 'cause there's more serious of issuesI.. Read »

Lirik lagu Warnai Malam Ini Ran


Kau yang pertama hadir temani relung jiwaDan kau yang tlah menebar pesona dalam setiap suasanaOoh kasihku ingatlah kau hanya milikkuTetaplah disini kau terus bersamakuTemani malam yang berlaluReff:Kuingin kau ada di siniTemani diriku warnai malam iniOh ju.. Read »

Lirik lagu Warna Warni Dunia Ran


We go by the name of R, A to the NWe're three normal guys tryin to make new friends byMaking music that you guys understandAnd if you guys like it, we appreciate it, then..Let's start the show, rock the boat, but don't stop because you can't stop the flow.. Read »

Lirik lagu Wolfstunde (vargtimmen) Bethlehem


Das verbannte Leidbegraben in der Leichenblässeverursacht leblose Erregungin der flamme meines welken HerzensWenn totes Lebenam Ende der Nacht versinktund sich der Schatten meines Schismain heiterer Schwärze verliertwird Tod die einzige Erlösung sein[Engl.. Read »

Lirik lagu Wintermute Bethlehem


Produced from the maelstrom of neglectionmy nocturnal prayer died awayin the unreality of a never ending happiness"My prayer...?""Died away in eternity!"If there's live before deathit's not for mewho spreads his dark cold pinionover the eternal silenceof .. Read »

Lirik lagu Where Do You Go Beth Orton

Beth Orton

Now when I need youYou're nowhere aroundJust when I'm going thenYou're taking a trip down townHow do you fly so farWith the world in disguiseDo the people around youPut you to where they need youWhere do you goWhen the wind doesn't blowAre you still like .. Read »

Lirik lagu Whenever Beth Orton

Beth Orton

Whenever I need a friendIt's you that I come round to seeing againYou know that I'll always be nearYou're flesh and blood and you're my memory Live on in my memoryI send you nothing but loveJust wait and seeI send you nothing but loveJust wait for meWait .. Read »