when they stare out at the starslike satelllites- we'll always be therei am the sun- you are the moonwe are the hope they'll always see there(chorus)it's truei burn for youthis time each daywe meet this wayto share the things we've got to saywhen they go .. Read »
Lirik lagu Sinar Bertemu Cahaya Awie
Mata yang berkacaJernih bagaikan cerminMenggambarkan yang rahsiaResah yang terpendamJauh di lubuk hatiMendambakan pengertianCinta yang sebenarKunci pencapai maksudPanji kasihku berkibar oh...Jiwa yang cederaSudah bertaut lukaBersemangat dan membaraMelunas.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sensasi Hari Raya (feat. Ziana Zain) Awie
( ZZ: )Masa untuk bersama( A: )Menghulur kemesraan( ZZ: )Agar kita bahagia( ZZ & A: )Damai yang rasa( korus )( ZZ: )Lemparkan senyuman( A: )Hulurkan salaman( ZZ: )Kini dan selamanyaUcapkan...( ZZ & A: )Selamat Hari Raya( ulang dari mula )( ulang korus ).. Read »
Lirik lagu Struggle Adema
Sometimes you give me kisses that you want me to believeI been understanding, giving you everything you needUsing me is over now and soon your gonna seeI'm done with youI'm done with youWould there be a difference if I follow what you say?Taken from my mi.. Read »
Lirik lagu Stressin' Adema
The weight of the world has been put on my shouldersI looked in the mirror and know that I'm olderI try to escape but the rain makes it colderWhy do I let all our problems take over?There's nothing I can doThere's nothing I can sayWe need to try to find a.. Read »
Lirik lagu Selamat Pagi Hujan Ayes & Rey Hart
selamat pagi hujanbasahmu ikut menemanikurasakan hari inimenjadi lebih sejukselamat pagi hujansuaramu membuatku terkenangindahnya cintanya yang takkan bisa menghilangwalau kini telah tiadaselamat pagi hujan, sampaikan salam padanyaaku begitu sayang, sungg.. Read »
Lirik lagu Stand Up Adema
AbusiveNo more (x2)He says he loves youbut the make-up will not cover up the bruiseshe left on youI've tried to stop the cycle for you,this relationship is wackYou bastard, don't touch her anymoreStand Up, Stand UpHe's a drunk and abusiveStand Up, Stand U.. Read »
Lirik lagu Speculum Adema
there's so many people dying you complain about your situation what about me half the world wouldn't know what its like to lose your seed maybe you can understand i cannot reach that soul you're probably watching over us know that i think of you its killi.. Read »
Lirik lagu So Fortunate Adema
I never thought I was strong enoughto handle raising my own sonyou'll always fear what you've never doneI hope he'll know me when i come homeNothings gonna changemy love for youI love my child he's got his mothers smileI'm so fortunate so fortunateLife ca.. Read »
Lirik lagu Say What You Want Adina Howard
Now you've doneTold me all about his past Reminding me that it won't last And how I should just move onYou're tryin' to say you're doin' me a favorWhen in all honesty gesture haterCause you don't have no one to love you like I doYou can say what you want .. Read »